General. The Construction Agents have the responsibility to
administer and manage all aspects of construction in accordance with the final
plans and specifications. The Tricare Management Activity - Resource
Management (TMA-RM) has the overall fiscal responsibility for the medical
MILCON and the O&M programs. The Surgeon General's Health Facilities
personnel for the respective Military Departments are responsible for ensuring
compliance with medical functional standards and requirements during
construction, for providing assistance and liaison between the medical
community and the Construction Agent, and for providing continuity from
planning and design through beneficial occupancy for each project.
Advertising. Authority to advertise the construction contract
will be given by the TMA-RM when the Design Agent has submitted to the TMA-
DMFO a certification that the design is complete, it complies with the
approved concept design, and provides a copy of the validated Current Working
Estimate (CWE) indicating the base bid, options and any proposed additive bid
items. A copy of this information will also be provided to the using Military
Contract Award. TMA/RM will provide authority to the Design Agent
to award a construction contract upon receipt of a written award request and a
current working estimate in DD Form 1391 detail if the low bid CWE is less
than or equal to the authorized Programmed Amount (PA). If the low base bid
CWE exceeds the current PA, the Construction Agent will coordinate with the
using Military Service within three working days of bid opening to determine
the best course of action. The Construction Agent, after consulting with the
using Service, will provide recommendations and options available to TMA/RM
regarding disposition of the bid results. Recommendations will include any
possible measures that would allow construction contract award within the
current PA/or funds available.
Bid Opening Report. The Construction Agent will utilize the bid
opening report to develop the government approved CWE. The CWE will identify
all projects cost data including the contractor bid amounts (base bid plus
additives) and all other non-contractor cost data which will form the basis of
the recommended award CWE.
Award Report. The construction agent will provide the TMA-DMFO a
contract award report within five working days of the construction contract
award date. The report will include the final CWE (base bid and additive
items, other costs as listed in 20.3.1 above), name of contractor, award date,
anticipated date of notice to proceed, projected construction start date, and
anticipate Beneficial Occupancy Date (BOD).
Construction Management. This guidance applies to all projects in
the Defense Medical Program unless a waiver is obtained from the TMA-DMFO.
Construction Management Plan. The Design/Construction Agent will
develop a Construction Management Plan (CMP) in close coordination with the
using Military Department. The CMP will establish the processes and procedures
for the execution of the construction contract. The CMP shall include
construction coordination meetings, and construction quarterly meetings, as