UFC 4-711-01
13 July 2006
Installation Requirements.
For the purpose of determining number of adaptable or accessible units required, an
installation is defined as the area of responsibility of the Housing Office. For each
installation, a minimum of five percent (5%) of units, but not less than one unit of each
type must be designed and constructed as an adaptable single-story ground level unit.
Design and construct a minimum of two percent (2%) of each unit type, but not less
than one unit, as adaptable for persons with hearing disabilities.
Site Requirements.
Public elements of the site or project must be accessible, including walkways, tot-lots,
playgrounds, etc.
Construction Project Requirements.
New and replacement construction and renovation projects must comply with the
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) to the extent that whichever provides the greatest
accessibility will govern. The term "Accessible" is defined as a site, building, facility, or
portion thereof that complies with the latest Code of Federal Regulations, Architectural
Barriers Act of 1968, as amended, and ADAAG. The term "Adaptable" is defined as the
ability of certain spaces and elements to be added or altered so as to accommodate the
needs of either disabled or non-disabled persons, or to accommodate needs of persons
with different types or degrees of disability.
Renovation Project Requirements.
Renovation projects must comply with accessibility standards when their scope of work
includes "Alterations" of existing dwelling units, unless requirements for the Installation
have been satisfied. Alterations are defined as work that modifies the functional
arrangement of a unit, or moves load-bearing structures or members within unit. As an
example, replacement of kitchen cabinets in-kind is not an alteration, but modifying
kitchen and dining areas while installing new cabinets is an alteration. Specially
designated units should be constructed or improved in accordance with ADAAG.
Centrally locate and arrange circulation space to serve as many functional areas as
possible without the need for extended hallways. Consider multiple furniture placement
layouts in determining location of windows and doors, electrical outlets and switches,
and HVAC supply and return outlets (or radiators located underneath windows as
commonly used in foreign construction).