28 February 1997
Annex B, AEI for BUP
First Edition
1. CENTER OF DESIGN DEVELOPMENT. The Fort Worth District (CESWF) is the Center
of Design Development (CDD) responsible for developing the "Generic" Standard Packages for
the LBC&W and BB&A barracks upgrades.
a. General. In the initial planning stages, district teams should evaluate the type (e.g.,
service, product, design, cost, and/or construction) and complexity of assigned projects. Then the
design team needs to determine the design method most appropriate, including the use of "in-
house" design and cost engineering support. Close coordination between the design team and the
project manager is critical in making these determinations.
b. Project Approval. The installation commander or the Director of Public Works (DPW)
must sign the project approval documentation (e.g., DD Form 1391 or DA Form 4283, Facilities
Engineering Work Request.). This is necessary to comply with the requirements of AR 420-10,
and to classify the work properly. The OACSIM has the responsibility for approval of
disbursement of funds for a project under BUP. However, the DPW has the responsibility for
final project approval and work classification, regardless of the source of funds
c. Communications. The installation and OACSIM should be
involved at
all stages of
project development and design. A meeting should be held with the installation at an early stage to
determine the requirements of the project. Installation input is crucial in establishing accurate
requirements so that misunderstandings and subsequent costly modifications during contract
administration are avoided. The design agency should be aware of the installation's stockage
(types of materials on hand), usage requirements (e.g., frequency and type of use) and/or
problems in order to have the least impact on their logistic process.
a. Generic Standard Design. Fort Worth District (CESWF) will develop the LBC&W and
the BB&A generic standard packages. This generic standard package, based on the assumption
that construction of the VOLAR barracks is essentially the same throughout the Continental
United States (CONUS), will provide a set of design documents (plans and specifications) for
each standard building type (LBC&W and BB&A). The generic design packages are not site-
specific. For barracks types other than LBC&W and BB&A, generic design packages will not be
developed. Renovation designs for these barracks will be on a project by project basis. The final