Project Name
Project No. ___________
UFC 4-721-11.1, UEPH Complexes, 26 Nov 01
work. This percentage may be reduced by a supplemental agreement to this contract if, during
performing the work, the Contractor requests a reduction and the Contracting Officer determines that the
reduction would be to the advantage of the Government.
(End of Clause)
** NOTE: The FAR allows us to edit the required percentage of required self-performed work. Analyze
each project on its own merits. Success in design-build construction requires a firm with strong
management skills in design and construction. It is recommended specifying a figure within the range of
12-15% of the construction amount, rather than the commonly used figure of "20%" for standard
construction contracts. The design fee is normally excluded from the total amount of work. See FAR
36.501 for prescription for use. See also the discussion following this clause for suggested wording to
include in Section 00110, "PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS", explaining to the offerors what
is and what isn't defined as "self performed work." We have also included a standard form for offerors to
calculate the amount of work proposed to be self performed and to submit for proposal evaluation.
Below is suggested wording, explaining the requirements of the Contract Clause "Self-Performance of
Work." Include this information in Section 01010 "PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. Note
that contracts for 8(a) or SDB Set-Aside use a different clause and distinctly different method of
calculation of self-performed work.
"XX. Self-Performed Work: Identify what construction parts of the project will be "self-performed" by in-
house forces and the related cost for each part, as defined below. If sufficient information is available at
the time your offer is prepared, state (within this Organization factor narrative) the percentage of work you
will self-perform. If sufficient information is not available during preparation of this narrative, state that the
information is in the Pro-Forma requirements (see the following paragraph). The prime contractor must
perform [___] percent of the contract work with its own organization in accordance with Section 00800,
XX.1 Computation Sheet. Provide and illustrate the calculation for "percent of self-performed work", in
accordance with the definitions below. Use the form attached hereinafter.
XX.2 The following are definitions concerning self-performance of work by the Prime Contractor, in
accordance with Section 00800, "PERFORMANCE OF WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR."
XX.2.1 "Self-performance of work" generally includes mobilization and utilization of owned or rented plant
and equipment to be operated by the prime contractor's own employees; only those materials which will
be both purchased and installed by the prime's own forces; labor associated with those aforementioned
materials or equipment; only those supplies to directly support work performed by the contractor's own
employees; and the contractor's own job overhead costs.
XX.2.2 The following is NOT self-performed work for purposes of the clause: Prime contractor markups
for profit, general and administrative overhead, bonds, or other indirect costs on self-performed or
subcontracted work; "Owner-operated equipment", rental of plant or equipment for operation by
subcontractors; purchase of materials for installation by subcontractors.
XX.2.3 "On the site" includes the construction site(s) as well as off-site fabrication plant or other facilities
necessary to manufacture assemblies or provide materials to be incorporated into the construction
XX.2.4 "Total amount of work to be performed under the contract" is comprised of all direct (variable,
fixed, one-time and semi-variable) costs to the contractor, including jobsite overhead costs, to construct
the project. It generally includes all self-performed work, as defined above, and cost of all supplies,
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