Project Name
Project Number
UEPH Complex
Statement of Work
26 November 2001
face of curb. The amount of runoff to any one inlet in roads and parking areas shall not exceed the
capacity of that inlet. The maximum spread allowable for determining inlet capacity shall equal that
allowed for gutter spread in roads. The maximum spread allowable for determining inlet capacity in
parking areas shall be height of curb or a depth of 150 mm [6 in], whichever is less.
Materials. All materials shall be in accordance with [insert the agency having
jurisdiction or installation criteria]. [Select the allowable pipe materials based upon local conditions
and facility criteria.] Pipe for culverts and storm drains may be of [[reinforced] concrete], [ductile
iron,] [cast iron soil pipe,] [corrugated steel,] [corrugated aluminum alloy,] [ABS,] [PVC,] [insert other
material here] or [HDPE].
Field Quality Control for Storm Drainage System. The [contracting officer] [Insert the
appropriate person] will conduct field inspections. Testing procedures and requirements shall
comply with the [requirements of the agency having jurisdiction.] [Insert the installation testing
PAVEMENT DESIGN CRITERIA. Pavement design shall be in accordance with the
[Insert state or local agency/ having jurisdiction] [Insert the state department of transportation road
and bridge specification manual if desired or insert the installation standard]. Concrete curb [and
curb/gutter] [shall] [shall not] be required at the perimeter of all streets, roads, parking areas, and
interior islands. For streets and roads, the design vehicle for this facility is [Insert the design
vehicle]; the anticipated axle load for design is [Insert the estimated axle load for the design
vehicle]; and the estimated volume of traffic is [Insert the estimated volume of traffic per day]. For
bid purposes, assume that the existing subgrade soils after compaction will have a California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) of [4] [Insert installation assumed CBR value based upon experience]. For
parking areas, the design vehicle for this facility is [Insert the design vehicle], the anticipated axle
load for design is [Insert the estimated axle load for the design vehicle], and the estimated volume
of traffic (including current traffic loading and traffic loading as a result of this project) is [Insert the
estimated volume of traffic per day]. For bid purposes, assume a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of
[4] [Insert assumed CBR value.] Designs for streets, walks, roads, and parking areas shall include
adequate space for trees. Include landscape islands at the ends of rows of parking.
PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. [Timely acquisition of all the necessary design related
permits shall be the responsibility of the Government; including the erosion and control permit,
storm water management permit, discharge permit, [air permit] and the health department permit(s).
Operating permits and licenses shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, in accordance with
Section 00721, "Contract Clauses".] [Timely acquisition of all the necessary design and
construction related permits shall be the responsibility of the contractor. As some permit process
times take 6 months or more, the Contractor, upon notice to proceed, shall immediately begin
working on the permits so as not to delay completion of the project. The following permits have
been identified as being required for this project: [Health Department Permits for Sanitary Sewer
and Water], [Storm Water Management], [Erosion and Sediment Control], [National Pollution
Discharge Elimination Service], [Wetland permits for mitigation, preservation and/or creation],
[Insert any other design permits], [Excavation Permit], [Demolition Permit], [Disposal Permit] and
[Insert any other permits required by the installation].
GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. [Insert " ... (DELETED)" if not applicable and delete
remainder of text in sub-paragraphs.] [Coordinate with the installation to determine the
responsible agency for installation of exterior gas lines, meters, regulators, hot taps, valves, etc.
The design agent shall then add a sentence to this paragraph to inform the contractor of his or