UFC 4-722-01
27 January 2003
Utility Access. Provide access to piping for maintenance and
replacement to the maximum extent possible. When economically feasible,
provide access to drain piping by means of pipe tunnels or crawl spaces.
Waste Systems. Guidance for planning the systems is provided in
Design Criteria. Give special consideration to:
Grease traps and other interceptors must be located remote from
the building as far as possible, out of traffic flow and easily
accessible for cleaning.
Local jurisdiction or waste management program will determine the
type of waste from food grinders and waste pulping system. Army
designers must refer to the Standard Design drawings and
equipment list for the waste pulping system.
Apply an air gap of two pipe diameters to all kitchen equipment
drains not having other backflow protection. Backflow protection is
required on all hose bibbs and faucets that are threaded to accept a
hose, both internal and external to the building. Navy projects also
use Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Program
Coordinate floor sinks of adequate size and non-splash receptor
design with drained equipment requirements. Prime floor drains
not used as indirect waste receptors or provide with deep seal
Avoid locating waste piping above kitchen and storage area.
Coordinate drain requirements for HVAC and cold storage
refrigeration equipment.
Updated waste system design guidance for all services will provided in UFC 3-
420-01, Design: Plumbing to be published March 2003.
Water Supply Systems. Give special consideration to the
following domestic water requirements:
Specialized food service equipment needs such as hard/soft water
and pressure.
Diversity factors for water heating based on food service equipment
usage. Dining facilities may require two or more different hot water
temperatures zones. Public and employee hand washing sinks