UFC 4-730-01
7 April 2006
including change 1, 20 June 2006
If there is only one classroom in the facility, provide a sound-rated,
movable partition. And even if the facility contains multiple classrooms, consider
providing movable partitions to increase programmatic and scheduling flexibility.
Ensure adequate power and data connections. If the classroom space will
be used for alternate activities, such as a Crisis Action/Response Room, provide
additional data and electrical outlets. Accommodate audio-visual equipment in the
infrastructure. Locate audio-visual outlets throughout the classroom to accommodate
all the room configurations possible with the partitions.
Provide the following additional design elements:
A wall-mounted clock in each classroom or in each classroom section in
rooms with partitions,
Movable or fixed dry-erase boards,
Tackable surfaces throughout the classroom, and
Casework in every classroom for storage of supplies and equipment.
Casework should consist of base and wall cabinets with a 610-mm-deep
(24-in.) work surface.
Consider providing the following design elements:
A small sink within the casework. If a sink is provided comply with all
codes and use a solid-surface counter at the sink;
An exterior door to at least one classroom. This will allow after-hours
programs to be conducted without keeping the rest of the facility open;
A movable stage and auditorium-style seating for very large presentations,
such as deployment briefings. This should only be considered if there is a
classroom large enough to hold enough people to make it worthwhile.
Furniture will consist of chairs, tables, and possibly small area rugs. The
tables and chairs should be stackable and easily stored.
TEACHING KITCHEN. This optional space accommodates instructional
programs where military personnel and/or their families can learn cooking and serving
techniques for family meals. Consider adjacency to the Classrooms and the Staff
Break-room (see paragraph 4-17) as there may be opportunities to accommodate dual
functions in this space.
The layout and appliances should be residential type. locate the
microwave oven, baking oven, dishwasher, four-burner cook top with hood, and