Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
The Design Guide (DG), series has been established to replace selected material pre-
viously issued under the standard design medium by the Engineering Division, MiIi-
tary Programs Directorate, Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army.
This guide contains project development and planning and design guidance for use in
developing Military Police facilities, This guidance is applicable to all new construction
projects and projects involving the rehabilitation/conversion of existing facilities.
Preparation of this guide was done under the direction of the Special Projects Section,
Structures and Buildings Systems Branch, of the Engineering Division, and is based on the
results of Contract No. DACA 73-74-C0015 for planning and design studies conducted by
Becker and Becker Associates, Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut, and their consultants: SMS
Architects, of New Canaan, Johnson & Dee, Avon, Connecticut, and Meyer, Strong and
Jones, New York, New York. The functional requirements in this guide have been de-
veloped in conjunction with, and approved by, the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff
for Personnel, (DAPE), HQDA.
Distribution of this guide is limited. Additional essential copies are available from the
OCE Publications Depot, 890 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304.
Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements to HQDA (DAEN-
MPE-B) WASH DC 20134.
Chief, Engineering Division
Military Programs