Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
Introduction: Purpose of the Design Guide
Chapter 1
Scope of Design Guidance
Purpose Of the Design Guide
a. APPLICABILITY This Design Guide is applicable
a. PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES The principal objec-
to all new construction projects for Army military police
tives of this Design Guide are:
facilities, whether for totally new facilities or for additions
(1) To help using service and design agency per-
to existing or found space. Chapter 5 guidance is par-
sonnel develop military police facilities which are
ticularly applicable to projects involving the moderniza-
cost-effective, efficient and beneficial to mission ac-
tion and improvement of existing facilities. The example
designs contained in Chapter 6 are generally applicable
(2) To provide the type of guidance that will improve
to projects involving the construction of totally new
preplanning and early design decisions and insure
the development of realistic functional requirements
in accordance with current Army regulations and
DOD Construction criteria.
planning and design criteria and physical area require-
b. INTENT While this guide is the basic criteria docu-
ments for individual military police activities, which are
ment for the physical development of military police
discussed in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this Design Guide,
facilities, it is not intended to provide all of the information
should be used to determine the actual functional re-
required for successful preparation of individual project
quirements of MP facilities. Chapter 5 contains pro-
designs. Supplementary information must be obtained
gramming, planning and design guidance for moderni-
at the local installation level in order to accurately de-
zation and improvement projects.
scribe functional requirements that reflect the individual
needs of local operations and the locational constraints
c. EXAMPLE DESIGNS The case studies presented
and opportunities of the specific sites or existing facilities.
in Chapter 6 illustrate the application of project develop-
ment procedures and planning and design guidance.
c. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT This guide provides
These designs are not intended to be definitive. They are
general project development guidance for using service
intended to represent possible solutions for the follow-
and Corps of Engineers field office personnel. This
ing requirements in terms of the installation population
guidance will be used in the preparation of Army military
police project estimates for inclusion in military construc-
tion programs.
d. PLANNING AND DESIGN This document pro-
vides guidance for identifying the actual functional re-
(1) Example A
8,000 or Less
quirements of a particular project. Planning and design
(2) Example B
8,000 to 20,000
criteria for use in developing a project's individual re-
(3) Example C
20,000 or More
quirements have also been included to assist using
service and design agency personnel in the preparation
of specific project designs. Where specifically noted,
it is intended that this guidance will govern the planning,
design and construction of Army military police facilities.
Use of Reference Material
e. DESIGN EVALUATION The planning and design
criteria contained in this guide will be used by design
a. GENERAL Reference must be made to project de-
agency personnel as a basis for the evaluation of individ-
velopment procedures and planning and design guid-
ual project designs. The space organization principles
ance contained herein as well as contained in related
and pre-design concepts in this guide will also assist
engineering and construction regulations and reference
using service and design agency personnel who pre-
material. lndividual projects may require the use of MP
pare physical and functional requirements, evaluate
reference documents other than those listed below. It is
pre-design concepts and review and approve project
essential, therefore, that individual military police organi-
designs for military police facilities.
zations indicate the specific reference material of impor-
tance to project accomplishment. This material will
usually include: organization regulations, mission func-
tion manuals, operating codes or standard operating
improvement of existing facilities. Thus, both the de-
procedures, as well as any specific operational require-
signers and users of existing facilities will find this guide
ments that need to be considered either in the planning
helpful in developing the required improvements to
or the design of special military police facilities.
existing sites and structures.