DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: General
Chapter 2
a. INTRODUCTION This chapter describes general
development as operational, functional, environ-
procedures to be followed by local using service and
mental and aesthetic requirements. In reviewing the
programming and planning procedures and building
engineering personnel in developing programming
planning and design guidance for individual projects.
and site design guidance contained in this document,
local provost marshals must give careful attention
That guidance will be used by planners and designers
to the relationship between organizational needs and
to determine a wide range of physical and functional
physical development requirements.
requirements for primary and support facilities.
b. INTENT The intent of the guidance in this chapter is
(2) Provide Opportunities for Increased Organiza-
to provide the local provost marshal, the using service's
tional Effectiveness In order to increase and re-
project personnel, and other participants in the project
inforce organizational effectiveness, local provost
development process with a basis for:
marshals should continually evaluate the develop-
ment potential of new or modified facilities and
(1) Broadening the scope of facilities planning and
equipment requirements, review project data and
design concerns to include a careful consideration
design criteria developed during the planning, de-
of the organizational, operational, functional, physi-
sign and construction of similar facilities, and take
cal, environmental, aesthetic and human factors that
part in or review the post-construction and occu-
affect the requirements of individual activities.
pancy evaluations of similar MP Facilities.
(2) Enhancing local potentials for identifying new
opportunities for physical development.
(3) Expand the Basis for Identifying Long-Range
Functional Requirements. Most military police
(3) Assuring the accomplishment of projects that
administrative and operational type activities can
maintain or improve the functional effectiveness and
benefit from a more coordinated and long-range
operating efficiency of existing facilities.
approach to identify functional requirements, es-
pecially if it leads to the identification of physical
(4) Focusing project development efforts on iden-
and functional requirements compatible to related
tifying facility and equipment needs which are more
activities or to supporting or cooperating services
closely coordinated with the primary functional ob-
such as CID and SJA. In the case of strictly MP
jectives of current military police programs.
facilities, this may lead to authorization to con-
solidate a wide range of separate but related activi-
(5) Achieving a more coordinated and interde-
pendent relationship between organizational and
efficiency and functional effectiveness and gain sub-
physical development goals.
stantial cost savings from a larger scale construction
c. BASIC APPROACH In order to coordinate phys-
ical and organizational development, local provost mar-
shals must institute a comprehensive approach both to
the development of functional requirements and to the
marshals may require local engineer assistance in
planning and design of facilities. This requires that the
establishing project need and in the preparation of de-
using service apply detailed project development pro-
tailed project requirements. Current regulations (AR
cedures in identifying the functional programming and
415-20) require the using service to seek the coopera-
planning and design requirements of individual activi-
tion, assistance and guidance of local Facilities Engineer
ties. Local constraints and opportunities will determine
professional consultants when there is a need to identify
the specific character and sophistication of these pro-
complex or detailed functional, physical, mechanical
cedures. Taking these local conditions into considera-
and technical requirements. Local installation and MP
tion, the using service (local installation) and the local
personnel should follow this guidance particularly dur-
provost marshal should establish basic project develop-
ing the stages of a project when detailed requirements
ment procedures that meet the following:
must be properly and accurately identified and in the
later stages that require the review of site planning,
(1) Integrate Organizational and Physical Develop-
building design, interior design, and general construc-
ment Needs Organizational development needs
tion and equipment specifications.
must be integrated with such elements of physical