Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Project Development Guidance: Determining Project Need
December 1979
and outside assistance will not be provided, the project
required tasks have been determined, time allow-
ances indicating desired dates for project accom-
coordinator should be assisted by additional administra-
plishment and specific staff responsibilities should
tive support personnel. The project coordinator and
assistants will constitute a project team. This team will
be established and documented in a time/work
be chiefly responsible for identifying, analyzing and re-
schedule. This schedule should be included in the
viewing all project-related data. The coordination of
summary report on project need.
project needs will usually involve the following:
e. STEP 4: DATA COLLECTION The principal objec-
(1) Project Liaison The local provost marshal,
tive of this step is to identify current and future needs
through the project coordinator, must establish a
for facilities, equipment and personnel. Refer to Chap-
means for liaison with supporting personnel and
ters 3 and 4 for guidance in identifying preliminary
services on projects that require professional engi-
requirements. Depending on the complexity of the
neering and design services. This is so that project
project, the collection of adequate data may require
needs can be both routinely reviewed by the provost
meetings with key personnel, a detailed inventory of
marshal and coordinated with local engineering,
equipment, or comprehensive reviews, surveys and in-
design and construction personnel. Liaison should
spections of functional activities and facilities. Initial data
be established between the provost marshal and
collection must identify.
technical and engineering personnel when large
(1) Gross functional and physical needs of individual
scale projects have a balanced emphasis between
facilities, equipment and personnel. Personnel-
(2) Internal physical and functional relationships of
oriented projects principally concerned with a re-
organizational components included in the project.
organization of existing functional activities and
(3) Relationships of project areas to separate MP
operations within current authorization levels and
activities and to related functional activities (e.g CID,
available facilities may not require engineering per-
SJA, etc. ).
sonnel to be involved in early project planning
(2) Special Studies Special studies to determine
mary report describing each aspect of the statement of
actual physical requirements may be needed for
project need should be prepared by the project co-
projects requiring new construction or extensive
ordinator. This report should include a brief description
of the needs of each activity requiring organizational or
physical development. When complete, this summary
tronics equipment or security systems. Technical re-
should be attached to the statement of project need and
ports stating specific requirements may be required.
should be submitted to the local provost marshal for
Where they are, they should be reviewed by higher
approval. Informal review by local engineering person-
level military police personnel using technical as-
nel may also be advisable where new construction pro-
sistance from installation C-E personnel. Projects
involving major construction or improvement of
jects might involve installation master planning ap-
proval. The summary report and statement of project
mechanical, utility or environmental services may
need may also be formally reviewed by the installation
also require special studies and the application of
professional engineering expertise. Depending on
commander once a preliminary review of project need
has been made by local military police and installation
the availability of qualified personnel, the project co-
engineering personnel. Once the need for a project is
ordinator may require special assistance from a plan-
ning consultant to conduct complex functional pro-
accepted and approved by a higher echelon using serv-
ice, more comprehensive project data, including loca-
gramming tasks and to organize and coordinate
tion, site and building requirements (size and cost), and
extensive facilities-planning and design require-
a preliminary indication of planning and design require-
ments. Often the need for assistance is not apparent
ments, will then be developed.
until more detailed Information is available after the
first assessments of project need are completed. The
provost marshal will usually be in a position to identify
the need for special studies or outside consultants.
However, most requests for special studies should be
made before the project has been fully organized.
Establishing Project
(3) Task Scheduling Project emphasis, liaison
quirements and the need for special studies influence
the scheduling of tasks to be accomplished during
the various stages of individual projects. The project
a. GENERAL Once the Summary Report and State-
coordinator should refer to Section 2-2, Project De-
ment of Project Need have been accepted and ap-
velopment Process as a guide in determining the
proved, the first phase of project development ends and
appropriate tasks for a particular project. Once the
the next phase, Problem Analysis, begins. This phase