DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
ments. In order to ensure that individual project
sideration of potentially acceptable locations other
needs are met in the most efficient and cost-effective
than those provided for by the installation master
way, at least three alternative approaches to physical
plan is also important for projects related to main-
development must be identified and carefully studied.
taining the tactical strength and unit integrity of mili-
Special attention should be given to identifying op-
tary police battalions assigned to major Army ele-
tions which do not require major new construction,
ments. Principal and subordinate elements of tactical
such as the rehabilitation of existing MP facilities.
military police units require training and administra-
Also, consider the possibilities of converting non-
tion activities to be in reasonable proximity to the
operational administrative or service-type facilities in
location of the primary military police installation
terms of the physical and functional advantages and
disadvantages of each potential location.
of military police support operations and tactical unit
facilities (barracks and administrative areas). Such
(3) The Potential f or Incremental Development
considerations apply primarily to Type A, B and C
In establishing project, requirements, the potential
installations. There are exceptions: Type D installa-
for and benefits of an incremental or phased ap-
tions, which integrate training and administrative staff
proach to physical development should be asses-
responsibilities will require special attention in identi-
sed. The possibility of major changes in the scale
fying alternative locations for the purpose of accom-
and intensity of operations, coupled with budget
plishing desired physical development.
Iimitations, may require that new or improved fa-
cilities be developed on an incremental or phased
(b) Personnel and Vehicle Accessibility The
construction basis. In such cases, incremental de-
adequacy of access to primary and support facilities
velopment may involve the need to procure modular
wiII be an important physical development considera-
or pre-engineered-type equipment packages or to
tion. It must be possible to satisfy vehicle and
construct temporary facilities to house activities in
pedestrian access requirements and on-site utility
need of immediate improvement. It may also Involve
and building service access needs as well as properly
the need to temporarily relocate operations or to
locate MP operations equipment (routine patrol and
totally replace existing facilities or equipment in a
specific operations vehicles, radio equipment, elec-
step-by-step fashion. Incremental development may
tronic devices, security sensors, (CCTV, IDD's, etc.).
be necessary where a review of mission require-
Provisions for adequate personnel and vehicle ac-
ments indicates there will be either substantial peri-
cessibility should conform to generally accepted
odic increases in the demand for military police sup-
safety, security and habitability standards.
port or a dramatic rise in the level of complexity
of on-duty operations.
(c) Site Development Consider such factors as
the shared-use of joint occupancy or support-type
facilities. These factors may enhance mission-effec-
tiveness, increase operational flexibility and influence
to properly establish project requirements, local provost
subsequent site selection by providing desirable eco-
marshals must estimate the scope of each project in
nomic and functional features. Such features might
terms of the size and cost of primary and support fa-
cilities. Reference should be made to criteria and guid-
tween separate but related law enforcement activities,
ance contained in DOD Construction Criteria Manual
more effective supervision of major subordinate MP
4270.1-M and AR 415-17. Comprehensive develop-
activities (investigations, registrations, etc.) or im-
ment goals and the factors affecting organizational and
physical development must be carefully evaluated. In
separate MP activities or the grouping together of a
estimating project scope. Refer to paragraphs 2-4b and
wide range of related law enforcement, criminal jus-
2-4c above. The actual estimate of project scope may be
tice and community service activities may provide the
influenced by a military installation's general program
built-in potential for future growth. The identification
for development and the approved scope of installation
of desirable site development features will depend on
wide facilities planning and construction. In view of this
budget considerations and on the long-range projec-
basic limitation, the identification of detailed require-
tions for change or stability in the internal structure,
ments should be coordinated with local installation. Fa-
functions and requirements of present military police
cilities Engineering personnel. The estimate of project
scope should be prepared in accordance with pro-
(d) Facility Development Factors adversely affect-
cedures described in Table 2-1. The following guidance
ing facility development should be identified in terms
should also be considered.
of their impact on functional and operational needs.
Existing installation mechanical and utility supply,
(1) Project Development Procedures The first
existing buildings and site facilities and site bound-
step in estimating project scope is to identify current
and projected organizational and operational re-
aries should be studied to determine their suitability
quirements of individual functional activities. The sec-
and long-range capacity for satisfying future require-