Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
December 1979
ond step is to have local installation and military
(a) Staff Space Staff space is determined by
police personnel analyze and evaluate this prelimi-
tabulating the aggregate of full-time personnel allo-
nary data. Higher echelon installation command or
cations for individual functional activities and listing
HQDA (DAPE) approvals may also be required at
them according to general functional activity zones.
this point. It is recommended that before higher
The total will combine full and part-time positions
echelon review and approval is sought, the prelimi-
Table 2-2 indicates possible staff and space require-
nary requirements for physical development be co-
ments for typical small, medium and large military
police facilities. In estimating each project's actual
ordinated with the local installation engineering plan-
ning and design personnel to ensure that no es-
staff space requirements the using service must
sential building or site development consideration
identify the projected personnel requirements for
short, middle and long term organizational and physi-
has been overlooked. The installation's physical de-
velopment policies and HQDA approved Master Plan
cal development. This involves identifying the current
requirements for the target year in which building
requirements as well as procedures relating to
occupancy will occur. Target year requirements con-
exceptions to master plan and site selection re-
quirements must be reviewed. Any required action
stitute short term needs. Middle term requirements
are set at the end of a three to five year period
must be coordinated with established project
following the projected date of occupancy. Long
term requirements are set at the end of a five to ten
(2) Local Reviews The primary purpose of local
year period following the projected date of occu-
project review and approval procedures is to estab-
pancy. The span of years will depend on the degree
lish as early as possible those pre-planning decisions
of change that can be expected in staff space require-
and project objectives that will eventually determine:
ments of each activity area. Total requirements for
each period should indicate the relative importance
(a) actual physical and functional requirements
of flexibility and change with respect to the antic-
(b) relevant planning and design criteria
ipated increase or decrease in staff positions and
(c) appropriate strategies for project development
the functional support space they require. To arrive
at net staff space requirements, simply multiply total
(3) Higher Echelon Guidance
staff for a given functional activity by the space al-
Large scale projects may require higher echelon
location standard for that particular functional activ-
military police guidance in the preparation of actual
project requirements. When provided, this guidance
(b) Functional Support Space Functional support
will govern local planning and design. This guidance
space usually includes unoccupied space directly
should indicate to the local provost marshal the need
related to and essential for the accomplishment of a
to consider such factors as possible or probable
particular functional activity. For example, the need
changes in organizational development require-
for interview rooms might depend on the level of
ments, current staff relationships to related functional
privacy and confidentiality required by either MP in-
activities, current and projected military, civilian and
vestigators or on-duty personnel. This particular
male/female personnel requirements. Special space
need depends on mission-effective requirements to
and equipment requirements, operational support
maintain the security and integrity of investigative
activities (CID, SJA, etc.), and other special func-
operations. In general, the requirements for func-
tional, mechanical or technical requirements should
tional support space depend on the number and
be given careful consideration by higher echelon
sophistication of the staff supported. Ratios between
personnel in preparing guidance for project accom-
staff space and interview rooms are useful guides to
plishment. Higher echelon guidance should be as
determining the specific need for this type of space.
specific as possible in order to enhance and extend
In order to adjust general space allocation criteria
the accuracy and consistency of final project size
to reflect functional support space requirements, a
and cost estimates.
functional support factor should be used. As Table
2-2 indicates, the application of this adjustment factor
(4) Project Size and Space Requirements When
should be related to the number of staff positions
organizational and physical development factors in-
required for a given military police operation.
dicate the need for totally new construction, follow
the procedures outlined in Table 2-1 to estimate
(c) Access and Circulation Space Access and
project size and space requirements. In general, the
circulation space is that space which is added to the
requirements for new construction should identify
estimate of staff and functional support space in
the physical and environmental needs of individual
order to provide the proper physical relationship be-
functional activities and general functional activity
tween functional activites. The space required for
zones. Refer to Chapter 3 for detailed site and build-
access and circulation will be determined by applying
ing design criteria and to Chapter 4 for appropriate
a 43 percent operational facilities planning factor to
space organization principles.