Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
The unit cost figures shown in AR 415-17 in-
total floor area as a way of calculating open space
clude equipment and furniture which is perma-
requirements will depend on the land use and site
nently built into or attached to the structure or
density requirements and on limitations of the in-
the confines of the site.
stallation master plan. Examples of open space re-
(d) Tables 2-2 and 2-3 contain the items which will
quirements are provided in Table 2-3 for guidance.
normally be included in the initial estimate of
consideration the need for:
project cost, Detailed requirements may be es-
tablished by referring to the functional and physi-
Expansion of primary and support facilities
cal characteristics and individual criteria con-
Site landscaping
tained in Chapter 3.
The development of buffer zones, and
The set-back and site development constraints
(6) Local Requirements Local requirements pecu-
that pertain to security, confidentiality and the
liar to an individual functional activity or to the in-
restrictions of the installation Master Plan.
stallation's military police mission must be identified
by the local using service. In identifying local require-
(h) Site Access and Circulation The area required
ments, the following factors should be considered:
for adequate site access and circulation must be
(a) Organizational Requirements At the outset,
calculated in order to determine minimum site area
the local identification of individual organizational re-
requirements. These requirements typically depend
quirements, as discussed in Section 2-3, may indi-
on the availability of direct access from major and
cate whether a particular approach to physical
secondary vehicular transportation routes. Generally,
development is appropriate (new construction, mod-
30 percent of the total land area required for fully
ernization and improvement, relocation, consolida-
expanded primary facilities and parking exclusive of
tion, etc.). In general, the organizational and oper-
other site elements will be adequate to provide the
ational requirements of functional activity zones and
essential access and circulation. However, specific
individual functional activities, as discussed in Chap-
area requirements may be increased or decreased
ters 3 and 4, will establish the appropriate project
by location and site constraints that limit or allow
requirements for planning and design of new con-
easy site access, use of existing adjacent parking
facilities or the shared-use of supporting facilities
(drives, secure parking, staff parking, etc.) by related
(b) Operational Characteristics Local provost
functional activities. On average, the typical prelim-
marshals should identify the specific operational
inary estimate of access and circulation area can be
characteristics that will satisfy future organizational
reduced by efficient and functional planning of actual
and operational needs. The relationship between
site traffic and parking requirements. Estimates that
existing or proposed military police facilities and re-
use the 30 percent factor usually provide the flexibility
lated activities (CID, SJA, etc.) should be considered
and opportunity to achieve the most operationally
in determining requirements for support facilities,
effective relationships between essential site ele-
building location and orientation and the scope and
ments and functional requirements.
quantity of site elements for a particular scale of
operation. Where opportunities for shared opera-
tional use of facilities such as access roads, opera-
tional parking, or utility and security services exist
(5) Project Cost Estimates Local provost mar-
or are planned, such opportunities should not inter-
shals with the assistance of engineer personnel are
fere with the provisions of essential project require-
responsible for estimating the cost of individual
ments but should be considered as one of the
projects. These costs will be based on current trends
determining factors in establishing site development
in military construction and on mission-peculiar con-
and site building size requirements.
straints and opportunities that may influence the
establishment of project-specific requirements. The
(c) Physical Characteristics Existing requirements
following guidance will assist local using service and
for immediate and future physical development must
engineer personnel in determining individual project
be considered by both local using service, engineer
cost estimates:
and design agency personnel in analyzing functional
(a) Empirical cost estimates should be prepared in
requirements. Site, building, mechanical, structural
accordance with AR 415-17, which provides unit
and environmental systems will be planned and de-
cost figures for all types of facilities.
signed to provide the physical characteristics and
(b) Military police facilities are categorized as
potential to accommodate efficiency, economy, utility
operational facilities. They have a category
and maintenance requirements, and reflect the long-
code number (700 series) which should be used
term operating and life cycle costs of current and
in determining empirical cost estimates for mill-
projected functional activities. The organizational,
tary construction.
operational, and functional requirements which gen-