DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
Staff/POV Parking These requirements are
the sub-total of net staff and functional support space.
determined on the basis of standard parking alloca-
This factor is considered minimal in comparison to
tions which provide one parking space for every two
the typical building planning factor of 33 percent of
building occupants. Provisions for the physically
the net functional area. The increase occurs when
handicapped are required for staff/POV Parking. The
appropriate consideration is given to the special
site area required for staff/POV parking including
access and circulation requirements of MP facilities.
landscape planting areas for screening is determined
(d) Mechanical Equipment The use of a factor of
by multiplying one-half of the building's occupants
5 percent of the space required to satisfy primary
by 450 sq. ft. This will provide adequate spacing,
facility needs (Staff Space, Functional Support
pass-through and turn-around provisions to avoid
Space, and Access and Circulation Space) is sug-
deadend parking and allow accessibility of essential
gested as a way of estimating the space required for
building services. Refer to Table 2-3 for guidance.
mechanical equipment. The actual space allocation
Visitor Parking Visitor parking requirements are
will depend on the level of sophistication of the me-
determined on basis of the volume of community
chanical systems required and the existing or avail-
service type activities (registrations workload, com-
able utility services. In some instances this space
munity services caseload, requests for MP informa-
may include accessible rooftop mechanical equip-
tion, accident and investigations workload, intensity
ment. Refer to Section 3-6 "Environmental Services
of the community relations program etc.) As a
Design", for general criteria and guidance.
preliminary guideline, one visitor parking space is
usually provided for every full time staff position in
(e) Support Facility Requirements Staff require-
Zones 4, 5. Also the classification of Zone 1, Zone 2
ments and primary facility size will be used to
and Zone 3 visitor traffic as heavy, medium, or light
determine support facility requirements. These re-
influences the need for additional visitor parking re-
quirements include site utilities, operational, admin-
quirements (Zone 1 visitor traffic is generally light).
istrative and visitor parking: open space and the site
However, to identify requirements that reflect specific
access and circulation space required by a particular
conditions, apply the following formula: Provide two
scale of operation. Table 2-3 describes typical re-
additional visitor parking spaces for light visitor traffic,
quirements and provides an example of the site area
three additional visitor parking spaces for medium
required by support facilities.
visitor traffic and four additional visitor parking
spaces for heavy visitor traffic. In all cases, one addi-
(f) Parking Military police parking requirements are
tional handicapped visitor parking space must be
divided into three categories: operational parking,
provided when visitor parking space requirements
administrative parking, which includes the require-
exceed ten (10) spaces and two (2) additional spaces
ments for staff/POV parking; and visitor parking:
when normal requirements exceed twenty (20)
Operational Parking These requirements are
spaces. The site area required for able-bodied visitor
determined on the basis of the actual shift size and
parking is determined by multiplying the number of
patrol compliment assigned to a particular military
spaces required by 450 sq. ft. The area required for
police facility and the number of uniformed police
handicapped parking is determined by multiplying
personnel (operations and administrative support)
the number of handicapped visitor parking spaces
required to conduct primary operations. To provide
by 525 sq. ft. A factor of 15 percent of the total
adequate operational parking space, use a ratio of 2
net area required should be added in order to accom-
operational vehicle parking spaces to every 3 staff
modate the landscape planting requirements directly
positions allocated for military police operations
realted to visitor parking. Refer to Table 2-3 for
activities. Where site area is less than adequate or
parking space is limited by expansion needs, the
parking space for individuals assigned to routine
(g) Open Space Requirements The site area re-
on-duty activities (MP Desk, MPI, etc.) may be de-
quired for open space will be determined by multi-
ducted from operational parking totals in order to
plying the total land area required for primary fa-
provide adequate operational parking facilities. The
cilities and operational, staff/POV and visitor parking,
site area required for operational parking including
including future expansion area, by an open space
provisions for impound lot, guard mount and security
factor of 60 percent. Where structures are of more
enclosure (high fencing, walls, etc.) is determined
than one-story, occupancy requirements would not
by multiplying the number of required spaces by 600
be directly reflected in the land area used for build-
sq. ft. and then adding an open space factor of 15
ings. To allow for such locational constraints open
percent of the net area to accommodate required
space requirements should be increased by using
landscape planting, screening and security provi-
the total floor area for expanded primary facilities
sions (night lighting, closed circuit surveillance, etc.).
instead of land area requirements. The application of
Refer to Table 2-3 for guidance.