DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
December 1979
erally shape the physical environment for new con-
(3) To guide the supporting services and engineer-
struction will not have as strong an impact on
ing and design personnel in the development of
establishing the project requirements for the rehabili-
pre-design concepts which implement the program,
tation/conversion of existing facilities. This is primarily
and to provide design development criteria against
due to the fact that the form, content, quality and
which final project accomplishment can be mea-
dimension of what already exists has the strongest
influence on overall project planning and design, and
particularly on the provision of functional require-
(4) To serve as a permanent record and consistent
ments for rehabilitation/conversion projects. Refer
format, which can be updated if and when conditions
to Chapter 5 for the criteria governing the establish-
change during the project development process.
ment of requirements for rehabilitation/conversion
(5) To act as the principal project reference docu-
ment for project programming, planning, design and
and the extent of site development are determined
evaluation personnel.
in response to the need for projected increases or
changes in functional and operational requirements.
These requirements can best be accomplished
where initial site development and support facilities
MENT The provision of functional requirements can
provide potential for future development. This poten-
be achieved in a number of ways. To maintain control
tial should not exceed a 50 percent growth factor in
over the way in which a project is accomplished, each
the near and middle term. However, if essential re-
project will require a strategy for physical development.
quirements of future operations should mandate a
Physical development strategies act as the foundation
greater increase, this should be considered in deter-
for subsequent decision-making. The using service
mining either the long-term functional requirements
must consider all the preceding project requirements in
for new construction or the ultimate feasibility of
establishing an individual strategy for physical develop-
rehabilitation/conversion projects.
ment. The organization and contents of specific strat-
egies will depend on the nature and scale of MP opera-
tions and the specific project objectives determined by
pre-planning decisions.
PORT After all the relevant organizational, operational,
physical and site development data have been reviewed
(1) Current Development Concepts Each stra-
and approved at the local level, they should be sum-
tegy for physical development must be based on
marized as the introduction to a functional requirements
currently accepted and approved concepts for
report. This report, used to prepare the Project Develop-
organizational development. A conceptual frame-
ment Brochure, presents project development data and
work for each strategy can be constructed by relating
requirements for new construction in a form compre-
the concepts for organizational development to the
hensible to the authorizing agency and later to the de-
current standards for effective operation of a par-
sign agency and to project evaluation personnel (Dis-
ticular military police activity. This conceptual frame-
trict Engineer or AE). Normally, this will be accomplished
work, when applied to the planning and design of
in accordance with procedures established in AR 415-
military police facilities, must be specifically related
20, Project Development and Design Approval. The
to the functional and physical requirements of indi-
project size and cost estimates established on the basis
vidual activities.
of the functional requirements report provide a means
for determining an appropriate project development
(2) Practical Planning and Design Applications
strategy. Individual project requirements result from a
Strategies for physical development will be used by
logical progression of facilities-programming steps
the design agency to evaluate planning and design
which must be reflected in subsequent and equally
requirements and to develop pre-design concepts.
logical and carefully organized pre-design concepts.
Thus, there must be practical application to the plan-
In terms of documentation, the functional requirements
ning and design process. Examples of the applica-
report serves several project development purposes.
tion of comprehensive physical development stra-
(1) To state the programming, planning and design
tegies are presented in the illustrative examples
method used to develop the space program and
contained in Chapter 6. To assure that adequate
determine project size and cost.
consideration is given to the principal factors affect-
(2) To state the project-specific requirements, plan-
ing project development, the using service should
ning and design criteria and actions necessary to
develop strategies only after carefully reviewing plan-
achieve physical development in accordance with
ning and design guidance contained in Chapters 3
established project-development procedures.
and 4.