Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
General Planning and Design Guidance: Site Design Considerations
December 1979
existing contours of the site should be studied, and
elements can still provide the project with accent and
plans should be developed in conformance with
interest. The use of low to medium shrubs, non-
guidelines and objectives contained in the TM 5-
permanent benches and other movable or replace-
803-3, DOD Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M,
able site elements should be considered.
and TM 5-803-1. In addition, the design of site
grading requirements, which are generally indicated
(3) Buffer Zones Another area of the site which
as part of the project site plan should be developed
should be "reserved" for open space or future de-
to accomplish proper storm drainage as outlined in
velopment is the site development buffer zone
above referenced documents.
adjacent to the project boundaries. Similar to "yard"
setbacks, this space is necessary to provide the
(7) Undesirable Elements Due to their strictly
"breathing room" needed to separate this facility from
utilitarian purpose, site plan elements, such as trans-
adjacent uses. This is especially important due to the
formers, electric poles, vaults and meters, are rarely
nature of security and confidential operations located
considered desirable additions to the aesthetic devel-
on the private side of the site. Specific zone distances
opment of sites for important community service
should be established in Figure 3-1 as "minimums"
facilities. Though essential to the fundamental opera-
and not as "preferred distances". The extent of the
tions of the building and its systems, such elements
buffer zone should be as large as conditions allow
must be located carefully to avoid detracting from
and should take into consideration:
the otherwise pleasant character of the site develop-
(a) Existing Land Uses Consider the compatibility
ment. Location considerations should conform to
of MP activities with surrounding land uses, espe-
guidelines contained in DOD Construction Criteria
cially the proximity of adjacent uses
Manual 4270.1-M and TM 5-803-3.
(b) Existing Landscape Features Preservation of
natural landscape features is an important site design
(8) Micro-Climate In establishing proper building/
consideration. Use of a buffer zone can effectively
site relationships, special consideration should be
maintain the presence of existing trees or other plant
given to micro-climatic conditions; especially vari-
ances in anticipated directions or intensities of pre-
vailing winds caused by the diffusing effect of existing
(c) Project Scale Consider the impact on the sur-
trees or the intensifying effect of wind currents
rounding natural and man-made environment
caused by adjacent land forms. Site climatic condi-
caused by the scale of project development: i.e.,
tions should not be identified solely on the basis of
land use intensity, building height and mass.
generalized regional patterns but should be verified
by inspection of actual on-site features.
(4) Visual Approach Persons approaching the site
by car normally view the building from an oncoming
angle of from 30 to 45 degrees, rather than from
directly in front. This oblique view of the facility is
Vehicular and pedestrian systems must be established
frequently necessary to give the appropriate advance
for site access, circulation and parking. Safe and con-
identification needed for turning into the entrance
venient systems should distinguish between the various
drives. For this reason, location of site elements such
groups and individuals who use this facility. Design of
as parked cars, eye-level flowering trees, or groups
pedestrian and vehicular systems should conform to the
of evergreen plantings that might obscure views in
guidelines contained in DOD Construction Criteria
these areas should be avoided. In addition, groups of
Manual 4270.1-M and TM 5-803-3. Particular emphasis
existing trees should be selectively pruned to permit
should be placed on providing for the accessibility,
these views.
safety and convenience of the physically handicapped.
Where possible, the desirable layout of roads, parking
(5) Views Location and orientation of the building
and walkways should avoid locations directly over
should consider the utilization of any existing pleas-
underground utilities. Geometric and permanent design
ant off-site views and the avoidance and/or screening
of roadways, driveways, parking spaces and walks
of any objectional off-site views. Refer, in general,
should conform to provisions contained in TM 5-822-3,
to TM 5-803-3 and DOD Construction Criteria
and DOD Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M.
Manual 4270.1-M.
(6) Desirable Site Elements Site planning should
also consider the preservation of any natural ameni-
public, private and confidential nature of MP operations,
ties of the existing site. Refer to DOD Construction
physical and visual separation of the access to the facility
Criteria Manual 4270.1-M and to TM 5-803-1,
must be achieved in order to reinforce the distinction
"Preservation of Existing Vegetation." The relation-
between the various types of visitors to an MP facility.
ship and ultimate effect of proposed grading to the
The ability to express this separation clearly and logically