Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
General Planning and Design Guidance: Site Design Considerations
staff entrances, the need for automatic door openers,
These stalls should be located in visitor and staff
ramps, stairs, or special hardware or equipment, and
parking areas nearest the routine trip destination of
the layout of outside operations areas which might
visitor, staff and military police personnel. This
need special provisions to accommodate the handi-
normally will be directly opposite or adjacent to the
principal visitor or staff entrance, but no more than
100 feet from at least one building entrance usable by
f. LIGHTING Lighting for site areas should refer, in
the physically handicapped. Parking space desig-
general, to DOD Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M
nated for exclusive use by physically handicapped
and TM 5-803-3. More specifically, exterior site lighting
people must be of sufficient width (at least 13 feet
can be helpful in conveying an inviting atmosphere
wide) to provide for wheelchair access to both sides
desirable at public parking and entrances. Proper selec-
of a vehicle and to open doors fully.
tions of pedestrian-scaled fixtures and poles should
coincide with major walkway areas. Choice of fixtures
(3) Use of Facilities by Handicapped Staff Site de-
and poles should reflect the materials, shapes, and
sign features and unique provisions for either tempo-
colors used in the building. Choose shapes and ma-
rarily or permanently handicapped military police
terials which are durable and whose sturdiness of
personnel or staff (usually civilians) may go beyond
construction is appropriate for the normal abuse and
those prescribed by the above referenced docu-
wear in operational areas such as this. Poles should be
ments. The identification of such requirements will
located where they will not interfere with pedestrian or
be determined at the local level on a project-by-
vehicular movements. Lighting for various site areas
project basis, and will be in accordance with currently
applicable engineering and design standards. Such
recommended footcandle levels. Selection of security
requirements generally involve special designs for
Figure 3-4 Site Lighting Considerations