DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
General Planning and Design Guidance: Site Design Considerations
December 1979
Figure 3-6 Site Signage Considerations
i. SIGNAGE The function of site signs at this facility
is basically threefold: (1) to give IDENTIFICATION of
the facility to those on adjacent streets; (2) to give
DIRECTIONS to the various groups coming here: (3) to
indicate the REGULATIONS of traffic vehicle move-
ments on the site. Signs which are clear, easily read,
and which present information with straight-forward
simplicity are the most appropriate solutions for these
functions. Choose lettering styles such as Helvetica,
Figure 3-7 Site Furniture Considerations
Univers, or Optima, which are read easily from a
distance. Numbers and letters should be applied against
a contrasting background for added readability. Ma-
terials and colors for signs should be matching or similar
to those materials used in the building to present an
image or coordinated development. Location of signs
should be appropriate for the message they convey and
should not be located where they might become an
obstacle for pedestrians. Provide adequate lighting of
signs for areas used at night.
j. SITE FURNITURE Design of other items of site
furniture, such as benches, bollards handrails, flag-
poles, trash receptacles, information or temporary out-
door structures, should be coordinated to represent
a harmonious group of elements, with colors, shapes
and general scale designed in sympathy with materials
and forms used in the building. Elements of site furniture
should be given a definite location and should not inter-
fere with or obstruct general operational traffic patterns,
pedestrian or vehicular circulation, and the general ap-
pearance of the site. It is recommended that, in addition
to the required waste disposal equipment, moveable
placed. The type selected should be aesthetically pleas-
ing and should blend in with the landscaped setting.
Refer to Figure 3-7 for guidance.