DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
General Planning and Design Guidance: Interior Design Considerations
schedules under the construction contract must not
of the construction contract or later provided by the
only be evident, but clearly organized to allow direct
using service, will be developed as an overall scheme.
design evaluation.
Table 3-3 provides a checklist of interior design items
b. PARTITIONS Spaces are typically defined by the
and concerns which should be considered in identifying
use of partitions. Individual functions may be further
and evaluating interior design requirements. Generally,
defined and specific requirements related to a particular
form, color, the material of interior furnishings and
activity satisfied by enclosures which meet the specified
finishes, space partitions, graphic design and signage
planning and design criteria. The following guidance
will be introduced as part of the overall design to give
will govern the specification and use of partitions in
visual distinction to activities and to facilitate functional
military police facilities.
effectiveness. Project-specific requirements for interior
(1) Permanent Partition Types The following parti-
design shall be coordinated with the using service and
tion systems are used in permanent construction:
the installation and shall reflect a consideration of:
(a) Fixed These are usually of masonry construc-
(1) Cost Estimates When estimating the cost of in-
tion and are used in areas where change is not
terior design requirements, all items of equipment
anticipated, such as stairways, mechanical and toilet
and furnishings which are permanently built-in or
rooms, the lobby/reception areas, on-duty desk
attached to the structure, as defined in AR 415-17,
areas, secure records storage, evidence and prop-
are normally considered part of the construction
erty storage, operational equipment, arms and am-
contract. Other items which are loose, portable or
munition storage, and for other permanent or fire-
can be detached from the structure without tools, are
rated areas.
generally provided by the using service under
separate contract. Interior building surfaces, paint
(b) Semi-fixed These are rated or non-rated parti-
colors, floor coverings, window coverings as re-
tions, used where little change is anticipated during
quired, graphics and signage will be specified as part
the life of the facility. The most common type of con-
of the construction contract in coordination with the
struction and the most economical is gypsum board
overall design. Furniture shall be identified for pro-
on steel stud. Partitions penetrate the ceiling and
curement by others.
extend to the underside of the structure above. Addi-
(2) Mandatory Sources Sources for selection and
tional layers of gypsum board and acoustical material
between the studs will achieve the desired sound
procurement of furnishings are listed in the GSA
periodical listing of National and Regional Federal
Supply Schedules, The Federal Prison Industries
(c) Demountable This is a type of partition usually
Schedule of Products and the general GSA Supply
of gypsum board and steel stud construction and
Catalog. Procurement by the using servicefrom
similar to semi-fixed but extending only to the under-
these sources is mandatory, provided that the items
side of ceilings. It is used where anticipated change
available meet requirements. For items not listed in
is measured in years rather than in months. These
the mandatory sources above but which are part of
partitions can be demounted and the studs, floor and
the overall design scheme, appropriate guidance
ceiling channels, doors, frames and hardware re-
shall be provided by the designer for procurement by
used as salvageable components.
the using service. Mandatory source schedules and
(d) Space Dividers These are free-standing parti-
catalogs must be carefully reviewed to determine the
tions, used to define and acoustically separate but
accuracy and currency of price and material specifi-
not physically isolate or completely enclose individual
cation data as they may change frequently to reflect
functional activity areas. Where a permanent func-
cost changes and additions or deletions of contract
tional requirement for such dividers is essential to
items. New items will be found under new item intro-
effective operations, this requirement should be in-
ductory schedules (NIIS) in the periodical listing
cluded in the permanent construction contract. For
mentioned above.
example, in the provision of medium privacy and
(3) Format Requirements Drawings and sched-
acoustic isolation in open administrative or opera-
ules concerning items not included in the construc-
tional areas. Also, where maximum flexibility is re-
tion must be provided in a format that can be readily
quired or a change in operational or organizational
issued to and be understood by installation personnel
requirements is probable, a functional requirement
who are responsible for procurement, and personnel
of temporary space dividers may be included in the
who are responsible for component placement and
permanent construction contract. Refer to criteria
utilization after delivery. Display sheets consisting of
governing the use of acoustically treated space di-
placement plans, catalog illustrations, material/color
viders contained in mandatory sources documents.
(2) Non-Permanent Partition Types The following
together with procurement lists, source data, and
are typical non-permanent partition systems:
cost estimates will be developed as appropriate to
(a) Modular/Relocatable These are prefabricated
accomplish this objective. Direct coordination be-
modular type wall components designed for individ-
tween these drawings and schedules, and the finish