Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
General Planning and Design Guidance: lnterior Design Considerations
December 1979
fusers and grills for HVAC, and provides access to
ual activities areas Layouts of this type of partition
services above. Unless special considerations dictate
system are usually based on the planning module.
otherwise, this system would be the logical choice as
Modular/Relocatable partitions can be field as-
a facility standard for ceilings.
sembled and normally consist of ceiling height, door
height, or low bank screen modules. This type of
(2) Special A solid wire-mesh reinforced ceiling
partition should be used only for individual functional
is required for arms storage, mail/message center,
activities where frequent change is anticipated and
detention areas, operational equipment storage and
the need for flexibility can be justified; this is usually
for evidence and property storage areas.
in MP operations areas.
d. FLOOR FINISHES The following typical floor
(6) Temporary Space Dividers Low, free-standing
treatments should be considered in the design of ind-
cubical-type units used to define individual work
vidual military police facilities.
areas. This type of partition system is often used on
open office planning where individual units are fre-
(1) Resilient Tile Consideration should be given
quently acoustically treated to lower noise levels.
to the use of vinyl asbestos resilient tile as a primary
In most instances, this type of partition system is
floor finish throughout the facility for the reasons of
properly included as part of the furniture to be pro-
economy and utility.
cured by the using service rather than part of the
(2) Carpet This floor finish is to be used in special
permanent constructron contract. Specific require-
areas where functionally deemed appropriate, such
ments, such as space organization principles open
as in large open office areas where additional acous-
office or landscape off ice planning or the special
tical treatment is a critical requirement. Administra-
needs of individual work stations for flexibility,
tive support areas (MIS,WPC, etc.) require anti-static
acoustic privacy, etc., may indicate that space divid-
ers are essential to operational and mission effective-
(3) Ceramic Tile To be used primarily in toilet
ness and thus they may be considered as permanent
rooms. Quarry tile or similar hard finish tile should
construction items.
be used in detention facilities to enhance the humane
quality of space that may require 24-hour occupancy.
c. CEILINGS The interior design requirements for
ceilings and ceiling systems depend on the physical
functional and environmental requirements of individual
and color of interior design elements must reflect In-
activity areas. The choices of color, material and surface
dividual requirements and be coordinated with the over-
finish, as well as system components, should assure
all design concept for activity areas and the entire
maximum economy and functional effectiveness. The
building. In selecting proper materials and colors, con-
choice of an appropriate ceiling system must reflect a
sider the following.
consideration for spatial and environmental services
flexibility and long-term operational and maintenance
(1) General Interior finishes shall be
requirements. Suspended ceiling systems require either
for the designed function of the building and spaces
the use of recessed lighting fixtures which are integrated
Selection of materials should be based on low main-
into the design of the ceiling, or independent lighting
tenance qualities considering the anticipated use, the
systems. Requirements for the design of ceilings often
impact on life cycle cost and the requirements for
depend on concepts for providing direct and indirect
security as well as health, fire, and other safety re-
light to various work surfaces and work areas. Where
quirements. Decisions concerning the use of carpets
individual tasks are to be lighted by separate lighting
as an interior finish other than for floors will be
systems, which will be either integrated with or inde-
coordinated with the using service and should be
pendent of work station furniture, and where open office
based on distinct functional advantages, such as its
areas constitute the majority of space requirements, the
acoustic, safety and maintenance properties.
type of ceiling selected will not affect the design of
(2) Color Use of color in Army facilities is limited
interior lighting systems. For conventional ceiling-
to a practical number selected from Federal Stan-
oriented lighting systems, the type of ceiling selected
dard 595A: Colors. General guidance for color selec-
will affect the decision as to the exact fixture selected.
tion is provided in TM 5-807-7 Colors for Buildings.
If a standard ceiling is used, the lighting fixture should
Color should be used to stimulate human physical
be planned on a module of the building for ease in
and emotional reactions and to enhance the overall
installation. The principal types of ceilings used in mili-
functionalism of the facility. Use neutral base colors
tary police facilities are:
in office areas and consider brighter base colors and
(1) Standard Suspended lay-in acoustical tile with
accents in casual seeing spaces in critical seeing
exposed grid is the standard requirement. The stan-
areas, glare, brilliant colors and great brightness
dard grid of 2" by 4" is the most economical system.
differences, both in the lighting system and in the
It allows for installation of standard recesses, 2" x 4"
color of walls, floors, furnishings, and equipment,
lighting fixtures and easy installation of ceiling dif-
should be avoided.