DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
General Planning and Design Guidance: Interior Design Considerations
Size of lettering and the exact location of the sign
(3) Finish Materials Finish materials must be
should be determined in each individual case in rela-
selected in conjunction with color selection. The
tion to the architectural design. Four inch lettering
color, texture and pattern of materials should com-
on 6" panels or 2" lettering on 3" panels, similarly
plement the overall design scheme and be in char-
used as discussed under "ldentification Signs" below,
acter with the desired image of the using service
is recommended. Low horizontal activity Identifica-
and the installation/command. Native (local) ma-
tion signs, using 2" lettering on a 4" panel, placed a
terials should be used to the greatest extent prac-
maximum of 12" from the ground, should be used
ticable, consistent with the architectural character of
at visitor access points and other places where the
criminal investigation facilities. Long-life materials
control of site circulation is essential. Signs identi-
such as masonry, tiles and woods, should be selected
fying restricted areas, or "visitor parking", etc. should
to provide attractive accent colors, textures and pat-
also Indicate the proper direction. Where day and
terns that will not quickly become out-dated. Painted
night activities require clear identification and direc-
surfaces and patterns are relatively easy and inex-
tional information, facility and activity Identification
pensive to refinish and can be kept fresh, clean, and
signs should be well lighted. Refer to Figure 3-8 for
up-to-date in appearance.
f. SIGNAGE AND GRAPHICS Interior signage and
Figure 3-8
Facility and Activity Identifier Signs
graphics requirements will be specified as part of the
overall facility design. Detailed requirements of the using
service will be coordinated at the local level. The graphic
information systems should assure maximum econ-
omy, ease of procurement and installation, and
standardization of application throughout the facility.
Design details should inhibit vandalism and excessive
maintenance but be flexible enough to enable the addi-
tion of or deletion of information. The signage system
should Incorporate the following types of signs.
(1) Message Format The use of wall graphics and
symbols instead of words should be considered to
establishing the message format of signage and
(3) Pictographs or Symbol-Signs There is no more
graphics systems. The usefulness of symbols as an
simple, more direct or economical way to convey
element in the graphics format has been established
certain forms of information than by use of symbols
in this country and internationally. They cut down on
or pictographs. This is particularly important where
the amount of signage required and are easier to
clear multi-lingual communication is essential. In
"read" In the case of prohibition signs ("No Smok-
such cases, use symbol-sign panels approximately
ing" or `No Entry"), symbols cause less resentment
6" square for most Identification purposes, on doors
or opposition than if the message had been in words.
only (toilets, phones, utility rooms, stairs, etc.). Use
Where words are required, use a type style such as
sign panels approximately 12" square for prohibitory
Helvetica Medium individual letter sizes are desig-
signs ("No Entry, " "No Smoking," etc.). The location
nated by the height of the capital letters. Typical uses
of exits, fire protection and other safety equipment
are 1" for registers and general information signs,
should be strongly emphasized as appropriate Fig-
and 2" for directional and Identification signs and
ure 3-9 indicates typical symbol-signs
any signs where background lines are 3" apart. Four
inch lettering should be used where the background
lines are 6" apart. Signs should be located as close
Figure 3-9 Typical Symbol-Signs
to eye-level as possible and should be Illuminated to
lighting or by special sign lighting avoiding reflection
(2) Facility and Activity Identifiers A facility identi-
fication sign should be located along major vehicular
access routes and pedestrian pathways and should
be oriented toward the principal flow of pedestrian
traffic. The sign should identify the building number
and the functions of the facility. It may also indicate
the function by use of using service symbol or in-
signia. General information may include a listing of
principal activities and hours of center operation.