Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
General Planning and Design Guidance: Building Design Considerations
December 1979
tember 1971, 3 March 1972, 12 July 1972, 1 October
1973 and 5 February 1974. A specific fire protection
activities, and the general approachability of military
police facilities. The use of physical expression in
requirement of all projects shall be that on-duty opera-
tions areas be so constructed that a two-hour fire rating
non-operational spaces can relieve the sense of
can be obtained. Also, sites where a deficit in PF 100
rigidity that might otherwise be conveyed by more
passive approaches to design.
fallout shelter space exists under the Army Survival
Measures Plan, selected areas of the structure should
d. UTILITY Utility in the design of exterior building
be designed for dual use as fallout shelters, with an
systems and the selection of sub-system materials
estimated cost to provide the shelter not exceeding one
should be based on such factors as suitability, economy
percent of the structure's cost. For more detailed re-
of first cost and life cycle costs, and energy and natural
quirements on fallout shelters see TM 5-800-1 and cur-
resource conservation. Window expanses should be
rent change thereto. Fire protection ratings as defined
avoided where operational security is a significant factor.
in DOD Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M must be
Extensive glazing should also be avoided in unusually
considered in planning all types of construction.
sunny climates to prevent undue solar heat gain, and
h. STRUCTURAL DESIGN Structural design load
in frigid areas to prevent heat loss, both of which result
in increased operating costs. The durability of basic
and criteria should be in accordance with DOD Con-
struction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M, TM 5-809-1 thru
building materials for permanent constructron is para-
6, 8, 9, and 11 as applicable. Seismic design should
mount. Nothing could be more destructive to the image
of efficiency and effectiveness required by military police
be in accordance with TM 5-809-10. The following fac-
tors are the principal considerations in identifying a
activities than to have a new building that has a design
structural design for military police facilities which are
life of over thirty years look dated in ten. High standards
of utility, simplicity and directness of form and materials
appropriate to local considerations.
are recommended as the most effective way to avoid the
(1) Structural Systems Although variations exist in
pitfalls of obsolescent design. This approach does not
each, there are two basic structural systems that are
imply simple-mindedness; on the contrary, it requires
appropriate for military police facilities:
the greatest skill on the part of the design team, from
(a) Steel Frame This system offers a wide range
pre-planning decisions through construction super-
of sub-system components, which are mass pro-
vision to building occupancy. The long-term operations
duced and shipped to the construction site for as-
and maintenance factors of building systems and ma-
sembly, e.g., (floor and roof deck systems, open-web
terials must be carefully considered.
bar joists, and, to satisfy column-free space require-
ments, pre-engineered and pre-fabricated space
e. LOCAL CONSIDERATIONS Local architectural
traditions and indigenous materials will influence, to a
certain extent, the aesthetic decisions related to military
(b) Reinforced Concrete This system includes
police facilities. They should not, however, be the con-
poured-in-place concrete and plant pre-cast and pre-
trolling consideration. The design should not inappro-
stressed concrete structural components. Recent
priately reflect historic patterns of aesthetic expression.
developments in form work, placement, and in higher
Respect for neighboring facilities of historic importance
strength reinforcing steel and concrete have reduced
should be maintained by the use of sympathetic texture,
the cost of reinforced concrete structural systems.
color, and, where possible, scale. Climatic conditions
It is unlikely that concrete will prove economically
will also Influence the final design and will have their
feasible for single-story buildings except for those
greatest effect on specific building forms and on the
areas where two-hour fire rating is mandatory.
characteristics of specific building materials.
(2) Structural System Selection The selection of
f. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED The design of facili-
an appropriate structural system must be based on
ties for military police operations and administrative
comparative cost studies that determine the most
support activities must contain provisions to make such
economical system for the characteristics of a par-
facilities accessible to and usable by the physically handi-
ticular project environment. Special conditions such
capped. This requirement will be accomplished in ac-
as heavier-than-normal floor live loads or seismic
cordance with the detailed guidance contained in DOD
design requirements will have an impact on system
Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M, EM 1110-1-
103 and ER 1110-1-102 as well as specific criteria
(3) Special Conditions When special structural
referred to in this guide.
conditions are imposed by site constraints that pre-
sent requirements for a facility of more than two
g. CONSTRUCTION Reference should be made to
stories including a basement, a reinforced concrete
DOD Constructron Criteria Manual 4270.1-M, and OCE
structural system may be indicated by comparative
instructions titled "Life Cycle Costing, Economic Studies
cost studies. Consideration should be given to a
in Connection with the Design of Military Construction
concrete structural system for 1 and 2 stories using
Projects," dated 3 May 1971, revisions dated 27 Sep-