DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
General Planning and Design Guidance: Site Design Considerations
k. SITE UTILITY SUPPORT Site utility support re-
quirements for a military police facility may include such
Building Design
mechanical or service needs as the extension to the
building of new or additional steam or hot water, electric
power, water, and storm and sanitary sewer services
a. GENERAL There are many building design factors
wherever they are not already provided. Refer to more
that determine architectural character and lead to the
specific guidelines as contained in DOD 4270.1-M.
development of design criteria for military police facili-
Individual requirements for site utility support depend
ties. The guidance provided in the following paragraphs
on the following needs:
outlines the principal design factors that influence the
design of military police buildings. Table 3-2 provides
(1) Heat If the installation is served by a central
a checklist of building design considerations.
boiler plan, then the size of the plant and the dis-
tribution mains in the vicinity of the proposed site of
Table 3-2: Building Design Considerations
the building should be checked for adequate spare
capacity. In checking for spare capacity, the actual
demand of the existing and new buildings should be
estimated as accurately as possible, as very often
the actual demand is as low as 65% of the design heat
load. If spare capacity is not available in the boiler
plant or in the distribution system, then modifications
or additions to either the boiler plant or the distribu-
tion system should be considered.
(2) Electrical A survey of the appropriate portion
of the existing system serving the installation will be
made by local technical (lnstallation Facility Engineer)
personnel to insure that adequate capacity for the
proposed construction will be provided.
(3) Water The water distribution system should be
checked for spare capacity to meet the requirements
of the proposed building, including fire protection
and whatever modifications must be made to
the distribution system to serve the new building.
Refer to technical manual TM 5-813-5 for more
specific guidelines.
(1) Basic Requirements In establishing design
criteria, a clear distinction must always be made be-
(4) Storm Drainage System The size and elevation
tween the functional requirements of project environ-
of the storm sewers in the vicinity of the proposed
ments such as locational and climatic factors and
location of the buildings should be checked. Pro-
those fundamentally creative design characteristics
posed site grades and site drainage requirements
that tend to enhance overall appearance of physical
should be coordinated with the existing storm drain-
facilities. This guidance is particularly important to
age system to minimize the storm drainage work. If
the development of an appropriate architectural
the existing storm drainage system is inadequate or
character and aesthetic for law enforcement opera-
non-existing, then grading plans should be devel-
tions and facilities.
oped to provide a surface drainage system to natural
water courses.
(2) Functional Characteristics In terms of convey-
(5) Sanitary Drainage System The size of
the exist-
ing an appropriate architectural character, the design
ing sanitary sewers should be checked if adequate to
of military police facilities should reflect the overall
serve the proposed building. Extensions of, or modi-
functional characteristics of military police opera-
fications to, the existing system should be done in
tions. Therefore, mission-peculiar operational re-
accordance with the guidelines in technical manual
quirements need special architectural attention.
Existing general design criteria should be evaluated
for appropriate application to the special conditions
(6) Location Underground utility lines should not
functions relating to operational activities. Care
normally be located under roads, sidewalks, parking
should be taken in the application of generalized de-
lots, paved terraces or other paved areas or areas of
sign criteria to individual functional requirements,
anticipated expansion, and should be located at the
such as in the design of on-duty operations, facilities,
minimum depth necessary, usually not less than
special spaces and building components.
three feet.