Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
goals is project orientation. To identify and orient
either the need for extensive physical development,
each goal the initial determination of project em-
the duplication of similar functions or the construc-
phases should be considered. After all the factors that
tion of new facilities with obsolete physical relation-
affect a project's development goals have been con-
ships. Similarly, a re-assessment of established de-
sidered and a specific set of goals established, it
velopment goals will be critical to determining the
may be necessary to adjust or redefine the state-
proper needs and organizational relationships of
ment of project emphasis referred to in paragraph
activities whose overall mission accomplishment
2-3. The goals that are identified must be organized
and broad operational effectiveness depends to a
in terms of the following project development and
planning and design concerns:
support of other organizations. Also, careful con-
sideration should be given to development alter-
Mission Requirements
Organizational Requirements
and improvement of existing facilities, etc. This is
Planning Requirements
particularly important where the perpetuation of ex-
Occupancy Requirements
tended physical relationships would contribute to
Special Support Requirements
organizational and functional fragmentation.
Detailed Activity Requirements
(2) The Requirements for Organizational and
Physical Development The actual requirements
for a project will ultimately be determined by a care-
ment of project requirements must include sufficient
ful analysis of existing operations, projected oper-
background information to ultimately justify the pro-
ational and administrative support requirements,
posal to construct, modernize, or improve facilities and/
current trends in mission accomplishment and the
specific requirements for personnel and equip-
determination that a particular project will be beneficial
ment. These problem areas must be studied in
to the development of an organization's operational cap-
terms of how they relate first to the long-term military
abilities and the maintenance of its functional effective-
police support requirements of installation and ten-
ness. In justifying project requirements, the specific
ant organizations, and second to the immediate and
factors affecting organizational and physical develop-
projected operational capabilities of a particular mil-
ment must be identified. This usually requires a descrip-
itary police activity or facility. Technical assistance
tion of project requirements in terms of the physical
may be needed when the project under considera-
problems that constrain organizational development.
tion is large scale or involves the achievement of
Detailed and comprehensive descriptions are required
organizational or physical development goals
since this data will be a major factor in determining the
which are particularly important to an installation's
scope of physical development. Local provost marshals
overall mission effectiveness. It may be necessary
and installation commanders, therefore, should care-
for the local military police organization (provost
fully consider:
marshal) or using service (installation commander)
(1) The Need for Improvement of Facilities Be-
to seek technical or professional assistance in iden-
cause of the special operational requirements of
tifying the following specific requirements:
military police organizations, the need for physical
improvement of facilities must be viewed in terms of
(a) Development Potentials The potential benefits
the needs of other military criminal justice, law enfor-
of projects that provide for the shared-use, joint
cement and security activities at a particular military
occupancy, or colocation of primary and support
installation as well as those of cooperating person-
facilities by related activities must be assessed before
nel services and community activities. Such a com-
development requirements can be determined. In
prehensive view usually requires an evaluation of
most cases development requirements must concur
the physical and organizational benefits that could
with the DA-approved installation master plan. Local
be achieved in combining or coordinating the need
approvals will be required where it is possible that
for facilities, equipment or personnel with the phys-
they will not be in accordance with the master plan.
ical development of separate but related activities
Approval will be based on the detailed functional
(CID, SJA, Community Centers, Health and Social
requirements developed in accordance with criteria
Services, etc.). Current and projected trends in fa-
contained in this guide. In all cases, the development
cilities planning, such as joint occupancy or the
potential of various locations must be evaluated prior
shared use of facilities by major supporting or co-
to setting specific locational constraints and facility
operating organizations, must continually be eval-
and site development limitations. This is especially
important where the comprehensive development
uated in order to bring together the goals of related
activities. This constant review of options may iden-
goals of the using service indicate the need to re-
tify more beneficial development goals and lead to
organize or consolidate major elements of military
the establishment of requirements that will minimize
police activities at one or more installations. Con-