DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Establishing Project Requirements
(d) To facilitate the maintenance of physically and
requires the development of more detailed project data.
functionally adequate facilities, equipment and staff-
The first step in this phase involves the identification of
ing capable of responding to the demands of grow-
comprehensive development goals. These goals should
state organizational and physical development objec-
ing organizational and operational complexity.
tives. Development goals and other project require-
(2) Functional Objectives It is essential that com-
ments are usually established by the provost marshal in
prehensive development goals identify the functional
conjunction with installation engineering and man-
objectives of individual military police activities. The
power personnel. The detailed information developed in
relationship of these objectives to the overall func-
accomplishing the tasks in the Problem Analysis phase
tional, community service and troop support require-
will be used in the subsequent Problem Solving phase.
ments of the installation should also be identified.
That phase will specify actual planning and design re-
Performance criteria for individual functional activi-
quirements. Outlined below are the tasks that must be
ties and specific physical and organizational require-
accomplished by the provost marshal's project person-
ments of those activities must be considered. Once
nel in order to establish project requirements.
overall project requirements have been established
at the local installation level, a re-evaluation and final
approval of development goals will take place. After
VELOPMENT GOALS Comprehensive development
this reassessment the approved functional objectives
goals for individual activities must be established by
will be used to determine an integrated set of physical
local military police organizations. To ensure the de-
development and planning and design objectives.
velopment of functionally effective facilities this task
should be assisted by installation engineer and man-
(3) The Principal Aspects of Goals In general,
power personnel. A statement of comprehensive de-
comprehensive development goals are composed of
velopment goals must be included in the documentation
two principal aspects: the organizational needs and
of project requirements (Project Development Broc-
the physical needs. There may also be secondary
hure) as supporting information. The statement of in-
aspects which could be of equal importance. such
dividual goals should be limited to concerns involving
as the timing, cost and urgency of satisfying these
organizational and physical development (facilities,
needs, or the sequence in which goals are to be
equipment, personnel) and the requirements for plan-
achieved. Also, the requirements of mandatory plan-
ning and designing military police-type facilities. Clearly
ning and design criteria or the need to conform to
identified development goals will be of primary im-
health, safety and operations regulations may be
portance to facilities programming, planning and design
important factors. Another consideration is that each
decision-making. Such factors as the purpose of de-
aspect may have sub-aspects. For example, a func-
velopment goals, their functional objectives, principal
tional objective to develop an advanced word pro-
aspects, relative importance and orientation to project
cessing center might actually involve the identifica-
requirements should be considered in establishing com-
tion of a number of related goals, e.g., shared-use
prehensive development goals. These factors are dis-
of facility, reduction in clerical personnel allocations,
cussed in more detail below.
an increase in office skills training, the provision of
(1) Purpose and Need The primary purpose of
more human comfort and productivity features.
development goals is to provide an effective basis
for the programming, planning and design of build-
(4) The Relative Importance of Goals The using
service must identify the importance of individual
ing and site facilities: the development of organi-
zational components, and the satisfaction of indi-
goals within each aspect classification (physical and
vidual functional requirements. The need for this
organizational). Two or three goals may be more
approach is based on required improvements in the
important than all the remaining goals combined.
general quality and effectiveness of law enforcement
Thus, it will be helpful to assign a relative value of
programs and facilities. These improvements are
Importance to each goal within a classification and
chiefly directed toward achieving the following
to each entire classification. Relative importance
organizational objectives.
might be measured simply by a priority system,
(a) To improve the local military police organiza-
important is No. 10. Another system that can be
tion's performance of their community service role.
used is a weighting system which rates goals ac-
(b) To uniformly apply a management information
cording to a corresponding percentage of a one
systems capability at the local level for various types
hundred percent (100%) aggregate value for the
of military police organizations world-wide.
entire classification, the greatest portion of the
(c) To increase the level of sophistication and rate
whole being the most Important.
of effectiveness for procedures used in routine mili-
tary police operations, general operations adminis-
(5) Orientation to Project Requirements The
last but most important factor which should be con-
and police data processing.
sidered in establishing comprehensive development