DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Project Development Guidance: Project Development Process
Project Development Process
(3) Problem Solving
a. GENERAL A comprehensive approach to project
development will require the use of a step-by-step proc-
(m) Re-evaluate development goals
ess for identifying requirements. The complexities of this
(n) Establish site selection criteria and identify poten-
process require that standard procedures be set-up to
tial sites
identify programming and planning and design require-
(o) Establish physical development (DD form 1391)
ments. Requirements that are identified by the using
and planning and design (Project Development
service must, in turn, be communicated to the various
Brochure) requirements
participants in the project development process in st-
(p) Finalize time/work schedule for accomplishing
ages. Those stages should correspond to generally
the principal elements of the project, including
accepted requirements for project-related planning and
mandatory reviews
design information. Refer to Figure 2-1 which indicates
c. TASK REQUIREMENTS Each task in the project
the stages of the project development process and the
development process has a set of requirements that must
information required to execute the design development
stage for MP facilities. Figure 2-1 is, however, only a
be met before proceeding to a subsequent task. The
schematic outline and may require adjustment to meet
prerequisite elements of each project development task
local conditions and using service requirements. In all
are outlined in Figure 2-1 under the particular stage of
cases, specific procedures for identifying the require-
the process in which they occur. In general, the reviews
ments of individual projects should be established in
which preceded each stage are also prerequisites.
accordance with AR 415-20, Project and Development
Those reviews may be either formal or informal depen-
Design Approval. The following provides general guid-
ding on the nature and scope of the project. Approvals
ance for establishing those procedures.
described in Figure 2-1 are only advisory, not man-
datory. AR 415-17 identifies mandatory approvals for
technical information involving size and cost of facilities.
AR 415-20 indicates the typical flow of decision-making
dividual projects will require that using service divide its
for Army projects.
responsibilities into project development tasks. These
tasks have three principal phases of activity: Problem
using service should assign project development re-
Identification; Problem Analysis; and Problem Solving.
sponsibilities to individuals with particular capabilities
The checklist below will assist the using service in
for managing complex situations. At each juncture in the
identifying the tasks required to accomplish the objec-
locally-adopted process, the results of the previous
tives of individual projects:
stage of project development should be reviewed by the
using service then recycled back to individual facility
users, to other project participants, and to the various
(1) Problem Identification
project development decision-makers for comment.
(a) Systematically review personnel, equipment and
Also, new requirements and additional information
facilities performance
should be continually reviewed to determine what im-
(b) Identify problem areas
pact they might have on the initial identification of project
need. The overall review and feedback process will re-
(c) Identify project need
quire the scheduling of formal reviews by local military
police and installation personnel as well as by higher
(e) Select project coordinator
level administrative, engineering and design, and HQDA
(f) Initiate project liaison
(DAPE) and OCE personnel when necessary.
e. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS The using service
(g) Determine the need for special studies
must prepare detailed functional requirements during
(h) Establish time/work schedule for accomplishing
the various stages of project development. Local pro-
vost marshals may require assistance in stating the
development goals and pre-planning decision of Stages
1 and 2. They may also require technical assistance
(2) Problem Analysis
(i) Establish comprehensive development goals
from local engineer personnel or professional planning
(j) Identify organizational and physical development
and design consultants. Technical assistance also may
be required in identifying mechanical and operational
(k) Determine the actual scope of the project in terms
equipment needs. For example, data processing, com-
of size and cost
munications, security, lighting, HVAC and power re-
quirements must be carefully evaluated in determining
(l) Estimate requirements for project accomplish-
electrical and energy conservation needs.