Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Introduction: Project Development Emphasis
December 1979
addition to considerations of life cycle economy and util-
ity, the overall planning and design of military police
Project Development
facilities must exemplify a significant architectural char-
acter and reflect a high level of aesthetic concern in the
development of both building and site features.
a. USING SERVICE The using service for each par-
of consultants to aid in the planning and design of
ticular project IS defined in AR 415-10, General Provi-
military police facilities should be based on:
sions for Military Construction: its responsibilities are
outlined in AR 415-20, Project Development and Design
(1) Continuing experience in design of complex
Approval. The using service, assisted when necessary
operational facilities with similar functional and
by local Facilities Engineer personnel, must:
organizational requirements.
(1) Establish actual functional requirements and
(2) Demonstrated imaginative approach to physical
space needs for specific projects in accordance with
programming, planning and design.
the project development procedures, planning guid-
(3) Experience in the development of modern,
ance and design criteria provided in this guide.
flexible and effective facilities.
(2) Justify functional requirements falling beyond the
scope of his guide.
(3) Prepare and submit project requirements in the
c. INTERIOR DESIGN SCHEME An interior design
format (Project Development Brochure) required by
scheme will be developed in conjunction with the overall
AR 415-20.
plan of physical development and made compatible with
basic planning and design concepts for all new facilities
(4) Obtain installation action to gain site approval
and for major alterations to existing facilities. Specific
if the project IS not sited in accordance with DA-
requirements for interior design will depend on the
approved master plan.
scope of individual projects and on the particular needs
(5) Prepare and submit DDForm 1391 and sup-
of the using service or its subordinate activity. The plan-
porting data in accordance with AR 415-15, MCA
ning and design of interior environments and the spec-
Program Development.
ification of furnishments will be developed by profes-
(6) Review and approve concept design drawings
sional consultants.
to certify compliance with functional requirements.
b. DESIGN AGENCY The Corps of Engineers field
are required, special emphasis shall be placed on the
office responsible for design must:
identification and development of a step plan for project
(1) Insure that the functional requirements of the
implementation. In most cases, the sequence of project
using service meet the criteria contained herein.
accomplishment should allow for an orderly transition of
(2) Insure that the functional requirements of the
military police activities without undue loss of functional
using service are incorporated in the design.
effectiveness and operating efficiency. As a supplement
to project completion records required by AR 415-10,
guide requested by either the using service (local
instructions for the utilization of modernized or im-
provost marshal) or the operating agency (installa-
proved facilities and/or equipment should be prepared
to allow the using service to take maximum advantage of
in project evaluation and design analyses.
specially designed spaces.
(4) Insure that the quality standards for overall de-
sign are adhered to in accordance with military con-
e. USER INFORMATION The provision of adequate
struction policy and the planning and design princi-
user information is essential to the accomplishment of
ples stated herein.
overall interior and exterior design requirements. User
information will be included in a user's information
(5) Insure that requirements for providing user in-
formation involving efficient and effective utilization
handbook which will be assembled to help provide in-
of facilities and equipment, and long term operating
structions on maintaining and operating primary and
support facilities to maximum advantage. The book
procedures involving the care and maintenance of
essential building and site elements are met at the
should cover major intentions for the utilization of interior
spaces and built-in design features as well as related
completion of the project, and the necessary guid-
ance and specifications provided to the using in-
information concerning environmental controls and the
stallation together with the completion records re-
operation and maintenance of HVAC, utility and service
quired by AR 415-10.