DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Project Development Guidance: Project Development Process
December 1979
f. DETAILED PROJECT DATA Detailed project data
identify project need, a clear statement of existing con-
must be prepared by the using service in accordance
ditions must be provided as part of the formal statement
with the Army's project development procedures. This
of project need. The first step is to establish the physical
information will be used to support the summary data
and functional needs of individual activities Generally,
on the completed DD Form 1391 and will be contained
the statement of project need should include a simple
in the Project Development Brochure as required by AR
description of the existing and desired level of functional
415-20, Project Development and Design Approval. In
performance for each activity included in the project,
developing detailed project data, the using service must
as well as a brief indication of the type and condition
identify project need, establish project requirements and
of physical and functional support (facilities, equipment,
provide essential project development guidance An
and personnel) required by each activity. It should indi-
outline of the procedures involved in identifying project
cate importance and adequacy of such factors as past
need is provided in Section 2-3 Section 2-4 describes
present, and future personnel and equipment alloca-
the procedures for establishing project requirements at
tions (refer to existing TDA and MTOE) and the work-
the local installation level. Pre-planning decisions that
load, work-flow and space utilization factors of both
provide essential project development guidance are
individual functions and the entire organization. It should
discussed in Section 2-5. These are only generalized
also indicate general facilities limitations. These Iimita-
considerations. Careful consideration should be given
tions might already be identified by a recent mission/
to the criteria and guidance in Chapters 3 and 4. In
function study or by the Army manpower management
developing the specific planning and design require-
surveys for a particular activity. This information will
ments for new facilities. Chapter 5 should be referred
provide the necessary background for making a pre-
to in developing requirements for existing facilities
liminary estimate of personnel, equipment and facilities
Examples of detailed project guidance are presented in
Chapter 6.
next step is to determine whether a project is facilities-,
equipment-, or personnel-oriented. Planning, design or
construction projects must be developed according to
their emphasis. Facilities-oriented projects may require
some technical assistance in the early stages of project
2- 3
development. Projects in which personnel and equip-
Determining Project Need
ment needs are the most important planning and design
factors may emphasize the need for adequate planning
a. GENERAL Project need is usually determined at
only and require a different approach altogether
the lower levels of a military police organization. There
Emphasis will be determined by simply weighing the
are several instances where the need for new construc-
separate factors (facilities, equipment, personnel) and
aggregating them according to an estimate of the
These usually occur during the course of routine re-
percentage of the total project effort. Large scale or
views of the performance of functional activities. How-
involved projects may require an update of project
ever, it is not unusual for section supervisors or branch
emphasis once more detailed information is available.
chiefs to directly identify deficiencies in facilities, equip-
ment or staffing, and to bring these deficiencies to the
attention of the local provost marshal. Also, local provost
Once the need and emphasis of a project have been
marshals and their operations supervisors or adminis-
determined, the local provost marshal should designate
trative support personnel may require subordinates to
a project coordinator (or project team). A member of the
prepare special reports on functional and physical
local MP operations or administrative support staff
deficiencies. As a matter of routine review, performance
should be assigned to the project according to the pre-
liminary estimate of project emphasis. Personnel-
levels are noted in the IG surveys of operations (Sched-
ule X Reports). It is possible that the magnitude of
oriented projects will require manpower planning and
deficiencies indicated in these reports will suggest the
utilization expertise; facilities-oriented projects will re-
need for a physical remedy or a major reorganization
quire some knowledge of construction, etc. The project
in the way facilities equipment and personnel inter-
coordinator will be given the responsibility of developing
relate. When this need is recognized, the local military
a more detailed identification of project need and co-
police (provost marshal) or using service (installation
ordinating project requirements. Use of this approach
commander) should determine whether or not there is
will be one of the principal means of assuming the ac-
a need for a specific planning, design or construction
complishment of the using service's project objectives
which are discussed in more detail in Section 2-4. Where
project and begin the project development process. The
the needs of an individual activity or entire organization
step-by-step procedures that follow should be com-
pleted before formally establishing project requirements.
are extensive or require immediate and timely attention,