DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Space Organization Considerations: Space Planning
Space Planning
police facilities. For individual projects the using service
must determine appropriate space needs from the an-
order to assure a thorough determination of the physical
alysis of operations and administrative support space
and environmental requirements of individual functional
requirements outlined in Chapters 2 and 3. The using
activities and general functional areas (activity zones),
service should review and evaluate for applicability rel-
the using service must evaluate the various factors af-
evant DOD construction criteria and military police
fecting the planning and design of individual spaces.
functional criteria pertaining to generic categories of
Reference should be made to the general planning and
administrative, operational, service or support facilities,
design guidance contained in Chapter 3. The following
equipment and personnel requirements, or to specific
factors should be considered in planning individual
repetitive activities. Differences between general phys-
spaces and in establishing the physical and environ-
ical planning criteria (particularly space allocation cri-
mental design requirements of individual functional
teria) and the space needs of individual projects may
occur where mission accomplishment takes precedent
(1) Personnel and staff support requirements.
over more restrictive planning criteria. Individual plan-
(2) Special functional activity requirements.
ning requirements will be based on the following factors:
(3) General and specific space allocation criteria.
(1) Basic Functional Objectives The using service
(4) Functional and operational relationships of indi-
must meet the following basic functional objectives in
vidual activities.
developing individual planning requirements:
(5) Operational and general equipment require-
Maximum efficiency in
(a) Maximum Efficiency
space utilization must be achieved through the ap-
plication of space-planning criteria and function-
(6) Functional requirements of adjacent supporting
specific component space standards which identify
or cooperating activity areas (including related func-
like requirements for like functional activities.
tional activities).
(b) Maintain Functional Effectiveness Individual
(7) Physical planning requirements involving acces-
space-planning criteria and specific component ac-
sibility related to.
tivity standards must maintain the existing or pro-
(a) operations and administrative support person-
jected functional effectiveness of activities essential
to mission accomplishment.
tine work flow requirements.
(c) Justify Special Requirements Function-
(b) visitor/staff traffic control and separation require-
specific space-planning and component activity stan-
(c) special physical considerations, such as provi-
cal and functional requirements and unique design
sions for access by the handicapped, the emotionally
distressed, persons at risk, or persons requiring
(2) Special Considerations The gross area re-
police supervision or security.
quirements for a particular scale of operation or
(8) Physical design requirements for such qualities
and minimum operating standards, may well exceed
of space as acoustic isolation; visual privacy; func-
general space allocation criteria. This might occur
tional and operational security: outside awareness
in either one or both of the following requirements:
(interior and exterior), task, surface and material illu-
(a) Net Functional Area This will usually be where
mination (natural and artificial), operational relation-
interview rooms, conference rooms or other un-
ships, span of control and functional support and
occupied spaces are required.
comfort requirements for individual work stations.
and building system, component material, finish and
(b) Gross Building Space This will usually be
color requirements.
where the functional requirements of operations or
administrative support activities are such that the
(9) Environmental design requirements for such
typical gross space allocation is insufficient for func-
functional activity and habitability support facilities as'
tional effectiveness, and also where the total physical
mechanical and technical operations equipment and
space requirements are greater than those corre-
HVAC, electrical, and plumbing services
sponding to conventional ratios for personnel totals
related to gross space occupied. For instance, 162
identifying individual planning requirements, the using
square feet per occupant as a basis for determining
service must consider the functional, physical and en-
gross area requirements is, without exception, un-
vironmental requirements that are generic to military
acceptable for military police facilities.