Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Space Organization Considerations: Space Planning
December 1979
located at the end of this section, provides a checklist
MENTS The establishment of individual space re-
of considerations useful in identifying and evaluating the
quirements will require a detailed analysis of the oper-
design requirements of special or unique functional
ating, habitability and environmental support needs of
activities. Room layouts for these activities are not pro-
specific functional activities. The functional area require-
vided since actual requirements will vary dramatically
ments of each space will generally be determined from
for individual projects.
an understanding of the staff, furniture, equipment and
(1) Requirements for Private Space The general
circulation space required by the activity. Appropriate
functional requirements and physical attributes of
allocations of space should be developed for repetitive
private space are:
functional areas which vary in number with the intensity
of operational activities. Such functional areas as private
(a) As a minimum the Provost Marshal, Deputy Pro-
vost Marshal, Operations Officer and Sergeant Major,
offices, open clerical space, interview and conference
each require sufficient private space for working
rooms are repetitive in nature and require similar en-
meetings with staff personnel and the public. Larger
closures with varying qualities of separation. Space
and more formal meetings are appropriately held in
standards for individual activities are described in Sec-
a separate administrative conference room equipped
tion 4-5. Actual requirements will determine specific
for effective briefings and display.
enclosure characteristics; however, for repetitive type
activities, acoustic and/or visual privacy requirements
(b) Supervisors of the functional sections subordi-
are noted with other special requirements where these
nate to the Operations Office frequently meet with
requirements are essential to achieving a generally ac-
small numbers of staff personnel and the public; at
cepted standard of effectiveness.
these meetings counseling and/or discussion of priv-
ileged information occurs. Privacy also affords a
working environment and work space for these indi-
viduals to effectively accomplish the administrative
Individual Space Standards
tasks attendant to their supervisory, managerial and
review responsibilities.
a. GENERAL The functional activity standards which
(c) The community services supervisor may handle
are illustrated should be reviewed in conjunction with
the cases of juvenile offenders as well as become
the descriptions of individual space requirements. The
involved in other sensitive and delicate situations. It is
illustrated standards are based on function-specific
essential that this space be provided a warm and
"optimum" space-planning criteria and are used for
comfortable environment for counseling and related
descriptive purposes only. Specific standards should be
activities. When the scope of activity warrants ad-
identified by the local using service. Unique standards
ditional full-time personnel in this functional area,
should be based on and integrated with space organiza-
additional private space such as interview or office
tion principles that reflect mission-peculiarand location-
area should be provided.
specific requirements of a project.
(d) Investigative, traffic, physical security, absentee
control and other operations oriented personnel should
b. APPLICABILITY The principal application of space
be provided private space in which to prepare and
standards is in determining detailed functional require-
review reports and for storage of individual reference
ments. The application of the "optimum" space stan-
dards to existing functional areas also may prove to be
a useful tool in evaluating the efficiency and effective-
(e) Investigative personnel may also require shared
ness of existing space utilization. This use of space
private functional support space for interviews and
standards, particularly in evaluating the effects of exist-
the preparation and review of detailed police reports
ing conditions on mission-performance, may, conse-
and for storage of general reference material.
quently, underscore both the initial determination of
project need and the identification of operational and
(2) Requirements for Semi-Private Space The
functional deficits in many existing military police
general functional requirements and physical attri-
butes of semi-private space are:
(a) Assistant supervisors in the Operations Office
and in each functional section perform administrative
DARDS The general functional requirements and
duties requiring a degree of visual privacy that may be
physical attributes of staff and activity areas typically
satisfied by partial-height screening. Visual privacy
included in the planning and design of military police
and acoustic isolation are only moderate considera-
facilities are discussed in subsections (1 through 5)
tions, not requiring complete isolation.
below. As an additional planning aid, schematic room
(b) Personnel performing general or routine duties
layouts have been developed to illustrate the detailed
space, personnel, and furniture and equipment require-
in the operational sections require partial screening
ments of typical and repetitive activities. Table 4-3,
where adjacent to waiting areas. Auxiliary space for