DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Example Designs for Army Military Police Facilities: General
December 1979
Chapter 6
a. GENERAL This chapter illustrates how the general
ceived distinction between public, private and confiden-
planning and design guidance presented in Chapters 3
tial activity areas; or the aesthetic treatment of the entire
and 4 might be applied to three examples of different
facility. It is important to recognize that a judgment as to
requirements for physical development. The functional
the desirability or appropriateness of various physical
programs for the three examples indicate various in-
characteristics will depend on project development con-
tensities of operation, and provide representative plan-
straints, on design opportunities for a given location,
and on the individual requirements.
ect requirements. Those hypothetical requirements are
e. DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS The illustrative ex-
used in the development of each example space organ-
amples express general design characteristics of rele-
ization concept. They also form the basis for the facilities-
vance to a wide range of military police organizations
planning diagrams and design development sketches
and component activities. These characteristics reflect a
provided for each illustrative example.
consideration of the overall design guidance contained
in previous chapters. Detailed guidance may be found
ance used to identify planning and design criteria, to
under the appropriate sections of Chapter 3, General
establish physical, functional and environmental re-
Planning and Design Guidance and Chapter 4, Space
quirements, and to evaluate the satisfaction of project
Organization Considerations.
objectives must be based on the individual and mission
peculiar requirements of specific MP activities and re-
plying either general planning and design criteria or the
lated to a given strategy for physical development. In
developing the illustrative guidance for the three exam-
ments of each example design, careful correlations
ple designs, a clear distinction has been made between
should be made between illustrative and actual indi-
requirements of a specific organizational component
vidual functional activity requirements. It is important to
and those of an individual functional activity. Though
note that the illustrative examples reflect only gross
individual functional requirements are not fully devel-
environmental and functional requirements. Detailed
oped in each example design, they can be identified by
requirements must be developed both on a space-by-
coordinating the allocation standards provided by the
space basis and for the entire facility, utilizing the
hypothetical component space classifications with the
design criteria provided in this guide.
space organization principles and criteria contained in
Chapter 4.
planning guidance in each example design is based on
Illustrative Example A
izational structure, and physical development require-
MP Operations and Administration Facility Large
ments consistent with a hypothetical set of functional
Base Population: Greater Than 20,000
and operational objectives. Space organization princi-
ples illustrated in all three example designs are based on
established organizational and functional needs (Chap-
ple illustrates a strategy of development for a hypotheti-
ters 2 and 4) and on requirements for the design and
cal major MP operations and administration activities
construction of military police facilities (Chapter 3).
center. The total number of people required to staff the
TOE/TDA units authorized for this large scale military
police organization is typically more than 70 temporary
characteristics of each illustrative example express both
and permanent duty military and civilian personnel. To
hypothetical project requirements and organizational
illustrate the planning and design requirements for this
development strategies. The physical, spatial, psycho-
level and intensity of operation, a new MP station
logical or cultural character of a military police facility
facility has been planned to accommodate approxi-
can be based on a variety of factors: the different
mately 114 administrative and operational personnel
physical and environmental requirements for opera-
whose functional activities will eventually be consoli-
tional and administrative support activity areas; the per-
dated. This facility will serve as installation and unit