DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Design Requirements
December 1979
tention to the need for general site visibility will be
screening. The relative attractiveness of site access
important in providing electronic or mechanical sur-
points, building approaches and entrances to existing
veillance and physical security requirements.
facilities usually influences the appreciation and respect
for the services provided within. See Chapter 3 for
(4) Access The establishment of design require-
additional guidance.
ments relating to points of access will depend on the
particular character and intensity of operations as
d. SITE LIGHTING Existing sites and facilities may
established by pre-planning decisions and on the
not provide for or conform to even the minimum site
site-specific development opportunities identified
lighting requirements that are consistent with physical
during the site selection process. Generally, vehic-
security and operational effectiveness. In such cases,
ular and pedestrian access to existing rehabilitated or
the provision of adequate lighting for operation areas
converted facilities must reinforce functional objec-
must be a high priority objective of rehabilitation/conver-
tives relating to a clear and logical separation of
sion projects. Generally, the provisions for site lighting
visitor/staff circulation. Site planning and building
will depend both on the scope and extent of require-
orientation factors should be used to determine the
ments for site and facility upgrading and on the level of
proper design, location, and in some cases, the re-
sophistication allowed by project authorizations. Such
location and redesign of site elements such as access
provisions should conform to the criteria established in
roads, on-site drives, various classifications of park-
Chapter 3 of this guide.
ing and pedestrian walkways. The development of
specific site planning considerations for the various
e. SITE SIGNAGE The upgrading of existing facilities
types of access, such as public, private, staff and
can be positively assisted by the use of site signage.
service access will be assisted by referring to the
Where rehabilitation/conversion projects are primarily
guidance contained in Chapters 2, 3, and 4.
concerned with the upgrading of presently occupied
space, the use of site signage can greatly increase the
(5) Site Circulation Systems and Parking Existing
control and separation of visitor traffic without major
or redeveloped site conditions should allow safe and
effort and within a short period of time. In all instances,
convenient pedestrian and vehicular circulation. Ex-
the use of site signage and picto-graphic symbols should
isting or redeveloped parking systems should pro-
be coordinated with interior signage systems to effect
vide a clear distinction between various types of
design and information consistency. General criteria for
groups and individuals who might use the existing
site signage applicable to rehabilitation/conversion
upgraded facility or converted non-designated facil-
projects is provided in Chapter 3.
ity. Desirable layouts of existing roads, parking, and
walkways should be adopted only where they are
consistent with established requirements for security
gories of site elements, site furniture and site equip-
and efficient operation and where they avoid loca-
ment, will usually be required by rehabilitation/conver-
tions directly over underground utilities. The rede-
sion projects. Typically, these site elements are provided
sign of pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems
in order to facilitate or augment the operational effec-
should conform to the guidelines contained in DOD
tiveness of functional activities. Site equipment is con-
Construction Criteria Manual 4270.1-M, TM 5-803-3,
sidered to be an outside operational requirement that
and TM 5-822-2. Specific site circulation criteria con-
must be provided for where specifically identified. Site
tained in Chapter 3 offers additional guidance.
c. LANDSCAPE PLANTING The importance of land-
chanical vaults and various types of MP operational
scape planting depends primarily on the physical char-
equipment as well as utility meters. Items such as bol-
acteristics of an existing site and on the requirements
lards, curb markers, relocatable signs, and other out-
of individual rehabilitation/conversion projects. Budget
side functional elements are considered to be site furni-
limitations and priorities for physical upgrading of an
ture. While essential requirements may exist for certain
existing site will also influence the position of importance
items in both categories, provision of site furniture for
landscape planting has in the project development pro-
rehabilitation/conversion projects will be subject to the
cess. In all cases, however, landscape planting should
overall limitations and priorities of a specific construc-
be considered as a positive, effective, and, in some
tion program. Initial requirements for site furniture can
instances, essential means of accomplishing functional
be minimized by the re-use of existing features or the
and operating objectives. For example, the use of land-
use of surface techniques such as pavement painting
scape planting is often an effective element in attempts
or changes in surface or ground material. This type of
to reduce both the heating and cooling requirements
minimal requirement will generally occur where subse-
and related operating costs of facilities. The use of a
quent site upgrading projects provide for the acquisition
variety of landscape planting techniques can increase
of new site furniture. Where site furniture is provided,
the overall attractiveness and design image of existing
it should be coordinated with other visually identifiable
facilities while at the same time provide requirements for
site elements. Project limitations may eliminate the pos-
confidential screening, weather protection and sun-
sibility of acquiring new site furniture or require that