DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
Figure 5-6 Desirable Space Configuration
police activities constitute the principal determinants of
desirability. Simple building perimeters normally will
Existing facilities, which are presently inadequate, are
present few, if any, problems in terms of the accom-
not considered to be viable candidates for upgrading.
plishment of upgrading objectives. Therefore, irregular
These facilities should be avoided unless the potential
shapes have been chosen for Figure 5-7 to illustrate the
exists for either relocating other existing facilities or
providing new facilities through partial construction. In
more difficult conditions which should be avoided in
determining the suitability of an existing building or site
all cases, the adaptability of existing building form, the
for use by military police organizations.
adequacy of floor area, and the suitability of space
configurations to the functional requirements of military
Building and Site Configuration
Figure 5-7
Shared Visitor
Parking and Utilities
Shared use of existing
installation SJA or special
security facilities (photo.
n The opportunity to share existing
Shared POV and
Staff parking lots
or potential support facilities is a
desirable location factor. Shared
facilities should be compatible with
essential functional requirements
for access and expansion and with
operational objectives relating to
cooperating agencies CID, MP,
Grouped secure areas and private
access shared by related functional