Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
December 1979
Figure 5-4
Building Size and Form Consideration
configurations in available structures, a number of
(3) Configuration of Existing Space In terms of
possible layouts should be developed and studied in
accommodating the functional needs of a particular
comparison to the size and form, interior partition
scale of operation, the configuration of existing space
layout, structural system, and circulation and fenes-
will be a significant factor in determining the suitability
tration pattern of an existing building. The examples
of alternate facilities or sites. Thus, the physical char-
of desirable field conditions provided in Figure 5-4
acteristics and interior layout of existing buildings
illustrate a variety of space configurations and up-
should be studied for their conformity to general
grading alternatives. Table 5-9 provides a check list
space organization principles (see Chapter 4) and to
of concerns that should be used in determining ap-
specific operational requirements. In order to prop-
erly assess the relative value of the existing space
propriate space layouts.