DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
December 1979
continuity of operations is essential to mission effec-
Site features
tiveness. The site selection process should compare
Real property facilities
functional requirements to physical and operational
Surrounding land use and other man-made fea-
factors similar to those described under paragraph
Site or building structures that might facilitate or
obstruct the upgrading of existing facilities.
(3) Potential Upgrading Alternatives Table 5-6
describes the principal upgrading alternatives that
(2) Primary and Support Facilities When an alter-
native site containing existing primary and support
facilities is required to satisfy functional requirements,
ment of existing facilities for use by military police
such existing facilities must be evaluated for their
organizations used in conjunction with Table 5-7 it
short term, intermediate and long-range potential for
provides guidance for determining the specific char-
satisfying future physical development objectives.
acter of construction alternatives. These alternatives
This is a primary requirement since the long-term
when combined with established priorities for project
Table 5-6 Potential Upgrading Alternatives