DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
(2) Building Size and Form The suitability of exist-
the number of floor levels will depend on the potential
ing building size and form is particularly important
for satisfying the functional requirements of a par-
ticular scale and intensity of operation. Thus, the
suitability of building size will not be exclusively de-
these characteristics must ultimately be made to con-
form to the functional requirements of military police
termined on the basis of either the staff totals related
activities, a situation in which the size and form of a
to gross area or the aggregate space requirements
building are already in substantial conformity will be
derived from generally applicable square foot per
most beneficial to the economy of a project. In gen-
person ratios. The primary criterion must be func-
eral, the physical character and spatial pattern
tional effectiveness. The application of functional
(height, length and width) of existing spaces and the
space standards and the principles of space organi-
physical relationship requirements of both individual
zation contained in this guide will play an important
functional activities and general functional areas
role in determining suitability. Figures 5-2 and 5-3
(zones) must be considered together in order to
Illustrate examples of a variety of physical constraints
determine the suitability of an existing building's size
that should be considered in determining the appro-
and form. The suitability of the usable floor area and
priateness of a particular building's size and form.
Figure 5-2
Building Size and Form