DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
and operational criteria to locational, building and site
constraints and project-specific requirements. In gen-
Whether for facilities currently occupied by military po-
eral, a determination of the suitability of existing build-
lice organizations or for facilities proposed as suitable
ing/site conditions to individual project requirements
for military police occupancy, the condition of existing
depends on the following factors.
buildings and sites has an effect on both the accomplish-
ment of project objectives and on the provision of func-
(1) Building/Site Relationships The suitability of
tional requirements. In order to properly determine the
the location of existing facilities on a particular site
suitability of existing building/site conditions, the using
depends on the physical development factors out-
service should evaluate each existing facility and estab-
lined in Table 5-8. The considerations indicated in
lish to what extent present conditions inhibit or enhance
Figure 5-1, Typical Building/Site Relationships, pro-
the short, intermediate and long-term satisfaction of
vide additional guidance in determining building/site
project objectives. Refer to the preceding sections of this
guide to determine the applicability of general functional
Figure 5-1
Typical Location Considerations
Table 5-8
Physical Development Factors