DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Pre-Planning Decisions
December 1979
(a) Where the identification of functional require-
NEEDS A determination of the extent and character
ments depends on accurate assessment of the con-
of individual upgrading requirements is the principal
dition of mechanical, electrical, environmental and
planning decision that will influence the selection of an
structural systems.
appropriate construction program in general, the ex-
(b) Where complex cost factors must be identified
tent of upgrading requirements is determined by or-
and detailed estimates of long-range and life-cycle
ganizing the information gathered from the analysis of
costs for building and site development must be ac-
existing conditions in terms of the short, intermediate
curate and reliable:
and long range requirements of present or projected
(c) Where the need for extensive upgrading of en-
operations. The suitability of facilities to the needs of a
vironmental and mechanical services is already ap-
particular MP activity at a given time should then be
assessed. This can be accomplished by comparing
(d) Where cost estimates must indicate to what ex-
existing conditions and requirements against the gen-
tent totally new facilities are competitive with the Iife-
eral functional and operational requirements and phys-
cycle costs and utilization potential of newly modern-
ical and environmental criteria contained in this and
ized and improved existing facilities, and
other relevant documents. Project Location and existing
primary and support facilities will be significant deter-
(e) Where requirements for sophisticated technical,
minants of upgrading alternatives and individual up-
mechanical and/or special operations-related equip-
grading requirements.
ment have been established, and schedules and
standards for procurement and installation are re-
(1) Project Location When the analysts of existing
quired to assure proper utilization.
conditions or extent and character of upgrading re-
(2) Sources of Assistance To supplement its nor-
quirements indicates a need to relocate existing oper-
mal project development responsibilities the using
ations, specific site selection requirements related to
service may request technical assistance from local in-
project location must be established. New sites are
stallation planning, engineering and construction ser-
usually determined by evaluating the Impact of loca-
tion factors on mission accomplishment. Thus, the
personnel. Where local support is limited or not avail-
using service should provide a description of the
able, the using service may request assistance from
most desirable location stating the Important factors
outside technical consultants. In all Instances, re-
to be considered in site selection In preparing spe-
quest for supportive technical or professtonal exper-
cific project location criteria, location factors affecting
stallation planning, engineering and construction ser-
site selection should be classified into two major
(a) Operational Environment The operational en -
vironment describes location factors that must be
considered in selecting the component areas or In-
dividual activities to be included in the scope of up-
grading requirements. The selection of components,
and the sequence of upgrading work are influenced
by the future demand for and supply of essential
Establishing Project
support services provided either by a specific func-
tional activity or by MP operations in general. A de-
scription of the operational factors affecting project
a. GENERAL To properly establish requirements
location should include an indication of:
The primary physical relationship to related func-
using service must take into account specific pro-
tional activities
gramming, planning and design factors that affect
The predominant characteristics of adjacent ac-
the physical development of existing facilities for use
by military police organizations As a minimum, the
The predominant environmental characteristics of
determination of specific project requirements
candidate sites
should establish.
The functional characteristics of individual activities
(1) The extent and character of upgrading require-
The operational factors that significantly affect the
ments for individual functional activities.
physical requirements of existing operations.
(2) The appropriate building and site conditions rela-
(b) Physical Environment A description of the
tive to specific upgrading requirements
physical factors affecting project location should In-
clude an indication of:
(3) The impact on operations that might result from
a specific sequence of upgrading actions or the par-
ticular priority assigned to project accomplishment.