DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Pre-Planning Decisions
December 1979
tions having similar staff and space needs. The actual
physical development strategy. Such a strategy might
cost of new or improved facilities must be established
require either the conversion of existing facilities or the
in accordance with procedures contained in AR 415-17,
construction of new facilities; in some cases a combina-
Empirical Cost Estimates for Military Construction. The
tion of both approaches might be necessary. When the
desirability of accomplishing individual rehabilitation/
scale of operation is particularly large, and the amount of
conversion projects will depend on the factors affecting
converted space is less than half of the total space
future needs, especially long range physical develop-
required, totally new construction may be an appro-
ment as discussed in paragraph 5-3a. In general, the
priate alternative physical development strategy. Other
initial estimate of the need for upgrading should be
construction classifications and existing conditions are
based on a review of an individual organization's existing
included in Table 5-3 to offer alternate approaches for
and projected operations and functional objectives. A
upgrading existing facilities. The appropriateness of
determination of project desirability should be guided
each option will be determined by specific project re-
by the organizational and functional requirements dis-
cussed in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this guide. The guide-
dividual functional activities requiring upgrading. For the
lines contained in Table 5-4 are for illustrative purposes
purposes of Table 5-3 the location of each of the exam-
only. Preliminary estimates of the cost of the anticipated
ple facilities is considered to be either the most desirable
project should describe costs in terms of the scope,
or at least suitable in terms of maintaining effective MP
complexity and sophistication of upgrading require-
ments including long-term and site improvement re-
quirements. Where the estimate of total project require-
d. PROJECT DESIRABILITY Table 5-4, Project Fea-
ments indicates the need for expenditures above 50
sibility Guidelines, indicates the comparative levels of
percent of the cost of new construction, the feasibility
project development required either for the moderniza-
of providing totally new facilities should be studied. Such
tion and improvement of existing facilities or for the
studies should compare the anticipated short-, inter-
construction of new facilities for military police opera-