Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
DG 1110-3-146
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Pre-Planning Decisions
December 1979
facilities usually will require an upgrading strategy
requirements should be given high priority for project
involving either the conversion of existing permanent
accomplishment. In general, a rating of conformity
facilities or the construction of new facilities. Para-
for each indicator which is below 4 will usually be
graph 5-2c discusses the impact that the physical
sufficient to indicate the need for urgent construction
character of facilities has on choosing an appropriate
consideration. When the individual rating of confor-
mity for factors a, b, or c is 9 or below, the accom-
upgrading strategy.
plishment of the entire project should be considered
urgent. Such projects will require immediate authori-
grading potentials related to the physical character of
zation under the appropriate military construction
facilities for nine hypothetical field conditions are illus-
program. Field inspection indicates the need for
some upgrading in almost all MP facilities. Even rela-
trated in Table 5-3. The most important physical factor to
tively small activities usually have special mission
be considered is the type of construction which houses
existing operations. Where temporary construction is in
peculiar requirements that are not met or that may
need improvement. Generally, when low ratings are
a significantly deteriorated or deficient state such that
functional deficiencies are increased or cannot be cor-
analyzed in terms of the physical character of fa-
cilities, the poor condition of existing temporary type
rected, complete relocation would be an appropriate