DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Pre-Planning Decisions
cator: fair rates 6 or 5; poor, 4 or 3; and very poor, 2 or
(1) Rating Existing Operations Using the planning
1. The rating for each indicator listed in Table 5-1 is
criteria and functional objectives contained in Chap-
ters 2, 3, and 4 as the basis for judgment a quan-
then multiplied by the number indicating importance
immediately following the indicators. This number
titative rating of conformity to requirements should be
represents the relative importance of each character-
developed for individual functional activities. Low rat-
ing, non-conforming or exceptional conditions must
istic in terms of overall operational effectiveness; the
first three indicators having the most impact on mili-
be documented as below a specifically prescribed
tary police operations, the second two having impor-
standard. For example, the general characteristics
tance for individual activities, and the last two being
and specific functions of existing operations can be
only generally important to overall operational effec-
described in terms of their relative conformity on a
tiveness. In general, aggregate ratings will fall into
sliding scale between 0 and 10, where 10 indicates
the following categories: excellent ratings will be
the highest rating of conformity, and 0 indicates non-
above 125; good ratings will be between 105 and
conformity. However, where minimum standards are
125; fair, between 75 and 105; poor, between 45 and
set by Army engineering and construction regula-
75; and very poor, below 45.
tions, the minimum standard will be scaled at 5, with
0-4 being below standard and 6-10 above standard.
Whole increments will be scaled at ten percent above
(3) Factors Affecting Project Urgency The ur-
or below standard; 50% below standard will be zero
gency of a particular project will depend on the scale
(0) and 50% above will be ten (10). Specific features
and complexity of operations, the geographical field
with performance standards should be rated. A gen-
of operation, and the mission peculiar requirements
eral rating of existing operations should be accom-
of individual military police activities. However, such
plished for each of the functional indicators listed in
factors are not easily quantified, and, therefore, must
Table 5-1
be given special consideration on a project-by-project
basis They should be evaluated in conjunction with
(2) Format Table 5-2 indicates a graphic format
the rating of the indicators listed in Table 5-1, in order
that can be used in applying the general method for
to properly determine the urgency for project accom-
rating existing operations. Using Table 5-1 as a guide,
plishment Ratings in Table 5-2 that indicate a low
an aggregate rating can be achieved by applying the
degree of conformity to functional and operational
following qualifications to the rating for each indi-