DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Requirements
December 1974
Table 5-8
Special Considerations
Where configuration, space are inappro-
Each site should have:
Chapters 3, 4 utility support
priate, there should be potential for
1. Potential to accommodate life
expansion to adjacent sites for future
Chapter 6, requirement
cycle, usefulness, utility requirements of
examples re: different sizes
current, projected operations.
of MP facilities.
2. Near square configuration, existing
Avoid building/site shapes, topo-
structures centrally located; ample
graphical conditions, site elevations
surrounding space for development.
which might inhibit provision and distri-
bution of adequate mechanical, utility
for future development not exceeding
50% growth factor.
Special Considerations
It must be possible to:
Chapters 2, 3 specific site
Where overexposure is already a
1. Conform to established functional
development guidance.
constraint on effective operations,
requirements. Building/site elements
rehabilitation must provide protective
must be properly located and have
landscaping to minimize operating costs.
adequate capacity to accommodate
functional requirements.
Extensive building perimeter caused by
2. Provide proper building/site
relationships. The potential for adequate
irregular building shapes makes expan-
site development must be apparent.
sion of structural and mechanical
3. Avoid potentially damaging or
systems difficult. Rocky and sloping
sites also make expansion or relocation
costly physical or climatological condi-
of existing utilities difficult and costly.
tions. Over-exposed facilities will have
extensive HVAC maintenance,
operations and landscaping
4. Provide unobstructed access and
expansion (pedestrian, vehicular) for
all sides of existing facilities, so as not
to limit future development options or
impede accomplishment of separation
of visitor, staff, and MP access essential
to functional effectiveness.
Activities and
Special Considerations
Inappropriateness of such activities
Consider functional character in terms
as recreational, commercial services
of their relatedness to MP activities.
may interfere with mission-accomplish-
Consider compatibility of physical
ment by diminishing physical security
and architectural characteristics of
and confidentiality of operations, by
surrounding buildings with ultimate
detracting from character, image of
physical character of upgraded facilities.
functional activities, by reducing
Consider building/site relationships
effectiveness of present and future
on alI sides in terms of their access, site
physical development.
circulation requirements, and future
development constraints and