DG 1110-3-146
Design Guide: Military Police Facilities
December 1979
Criteria for Upgrading Existing Facilities: Establishing Project Sequence
Establishing Project Sequence
upgrading work the relocation of those on-going func-
a. GENERAL Project sequence refers to the step-by-
tions essential to effective operations should be con-
step order in which facilities are transformed or up-
sidered as a first step where,
graded to the desired standard of operations. In deter-
(1) Two or three concurrent upgrading activities may
isolate or otherwise render ineffective a critical opera-
improvement work will take place, the using service
tional activity that does not presently need upgrading.
must consider the impact of relocation or rehabilitation
on the overall effectiveness of police operations. When
(2) The functional effectiveness of adjacent or related
identifying project requirements, the using service
activities can be so impaired and disrupted by the dis-
should also consider the actual physical constraints and
turbance of extensive upgrading work even though
opportunities that are imposed by various alternatives
their present location properly relates them to either
for upgrading existing facilities in identifying require-
dependent or supervisory activities.
ments, the using service should indicate the immediate
and short-term impact that various construction activi-
Special Design Guidance
ties may have on the on-going day-to-day operations
of military police facilities. The space organization
a. GENERAL Some adjustment in the general plan-
principles contained in Chapter 4 of this guide should
ning and design criteria used to develop pre-design
be used in conjunction with the following guidance as
concepts for new military police facilities (Chapter 3
the basis for determining the appropriate sequence for
and 4) will be required to reflect considerations peculiar
cases mechanical and technical criteria may require
b. BASIC REQUIREMENTS In all cases, the se-
a local interpretation. Where exceptions to stated criteria
quence in which individual upgrading projects are ac-
or requirements are necessary, they should be identified
complished must insure and maintain the effectiveness
prior to the establishment of planning requirements.
of the military police functions according to the following
Exceptions to construction requirements that will result
in improvement or elimination of functional deficiencies
(1) On-Duty desk and operations office activities
in an existing facility or site, should be considered as an
and the essential support functions of operations
essential requirement for an effective project. In some
cases, exceptions may be necessary to the accomplish-
ment of long-range operational objectives.
(2) Military police capability to respond to serious
b. BASIC GUIDANCE In the determination of appro-
priate design concepts avoid establishing initial project
(4) Security of evidence and military police records
constraints that might limit or otherwise impede the
and files.
development of functionally effective facilities. For exam-
ple, once the determination of an appropriate upgrading
(5) Operations support activities such as briefing and
strategy IS made such as either conversion or rehabilita-
training, wetness or complainant reception and inter-
tion avoid limiting design options. It will be necessary to
viewing (temporary facilities might be provided),
indicate the appropriate combination of strategies and
(6) The primary supervisory and administrative func-
sequence of work for a given upgrading alternative. This
tions of provost marshal activities (temporary facili-
is particularly important where project or program limi-
ties might be provided).
tations are such that specific upgrading work must take
place within a severely constrained time schedule. In
such cases project development guidance should in-
clude a well defined set of step-by-step procedures for
MENTS The impact that a predictable sequence of
each upgrading alternative These instructions might
upgrading activities has on the on-going operation of
serve to speed the design process by defining the area of
military police facilities will usually influence the achieve-
applicability for specific upgrading alternatives such as
ment of a functionally effective organization of space -
conservation, partial renovation, and new construction
one which satisfies both immediate and long-term func-
as well as the conversion of unoccupied space. As an
tional requirements. Interruption of functional activities
example, step-by-step procedures might be required for
caused by improvement of one or more activity areas
a physical development strategy that calls for the expan-
may have a serious negative impact on the effectiveness
sion of existing activities into adjacent found space via
of other functions not requiring improvement, with the
newly constructed Intervening space. Projects such as
net result being a general loss of effectiveness. Thus, to
this may require exceptions to specific construction
avoid the negative aspects of concurrent or conflicting