UFC 4-740-06
12 January 2006
If fire extinguishers are required by the local installation, provide recessed fire
extinguisher cabinets. Recessed cabinets located in fire-rated walls must be listed or
approved fire-rated cabinets that can be installed in fire rated walls without having to
"build-out" the wall.
Fire Suppression Systems.
Provide complete automatic sprinkler systems meeting the requirements of UFC 3-600-
01. Wet pipe sprinkler systems are the preferred system type because of the high
reliability and low maintenance requirements. Take care to avoid freezing sprinkler
pipes located in attic spaces. Sprinkler systems subject to freezing may be dry pipe
sprinkler systems. Note the following additional criteria:
a. Design the sprinkler system water flow indication to activate the building
fire evacuation system;
b. Discharge inspectors' test connections to a safe, outside location onto a
hard surface outside of areas where children play or congregate. Indicate
discharge location on drawings;
c. Use quick response type sprinkler heads; and
d. Ensure that the fire department connection is accessible without entering
or transiting an outdoor play area or crossing a discharge path.
e. Pipe penetrations of the exterior wall must be no greater than 610 mm (24
in.) above finished grade.
If the optional kitchen is included, provide a wet chemical or water spray hood duct and
cooking surface fire extinguishing system according to NFPA 96.
Fire and Alarm System.
3- Provide an automatic fire evacuation alarm system according to NFPA 72
and complying with the installation's requirements. Note the following requirements:
3- Locate the fire alarm control panel in an environmentally controlled
location in the facility.
At a minimum, meet the following criteria for circuits in the systems:
a. Initiating circuits Class B, Style C
b. Notification circuits Class A, Style Z
c. Signaling Circuits Class B, Style 3.5
3- Fully addressable control panels with addressable supervisory sensors,
pull stations, notification devices, and other devices are recommended.