DG 1110.3.120
services for the duration of the project. Archi-
tects, engineers, and technical consultants should
The Chief of Engineers will in most cases des-
be selected on the basis of the following
ignate the district engineer responsible for con-
struction service field office work. He will work
1. Recognized experience in the design of music
closely with the using service and facilities en-
and drama facilities. This can be ascertained
gineer during the design phase. Design work will
by requesting from prospective design firms
most often be accomplished by contract with a
written responses listing with brief descrip-
private architect-engineer firm, although minor
tions, past and current projects in the per-
construction and improvements may be effected
forming arts to which they have contributed
by government forces. The district engineer will
services. These responses should indicate the
also assist the using service upon request during
nature and extent of the designers' services
project development, and will manage construc-
and the client to whom they were rendered.
tion activity. Construction service responsibili-
It is customary to advertise for responses lo-
ties are as follows:
cally and through the offices of professional
associations. However, it is also wise to solicit
1. Ensure that the functional requirements of the
recommendations from using service person-
using service are recognized and incorpo-
nel, national organizations and recognized
rated into the project design.
experts in the design and operation of related
2. Ensure that the requirements of the using ser-
facilities in order to address requests to the
vice fall within the criteria of this Guide and
widest range of candidates.
other DOD and DA standards.
2. A demonstrated imaginative approach to site
3. Ensure that deviations from criteria requested
and building design that integrates design
by the using service are completely justified
quality, functional efficiency, and cost control.
in project design analysis.
3. Responsiveness to unique demands of indi-
4. Ensure that the quality standards for overall
vidual use programs, project criteria and
design are emphasized as stated within this
sites. Interviews with a limited number of se-
lected candidates is the best means of eval-
uating how clearly a designer understands
5. Ensure that the assemblage of user infor-
the particular set of requirements and con-
mation is coordinated upon completion of the
straints he will face, provided a summary
project, and is furnished-together with the
statement is issued with the invitation to in-
completion records required by AR 415-10,
terview, with equal advance notice to all
to the using service.
4. Sensitive design capability extending from
overall building design to detailed construc-
tion and interior design. Critical reviews pub-
This term normally refers to the architect-engi-
lished in regular columns of well-respected
neer or other private design professional under
newspapers and professional journals, de-
contract to Corps of Engineers in the design
sign awards and the acclaim of fellow-prac-
phase. However, similar qualifications apply to
titioners are good indicators. If the choice is
technical consultants who may be retained by
still difficult, visits to current and completed
the construction service under separate con-
projects are helpful, although selection teams
tracts or by the A-E as subconsultants, and to
should not expect to see the solution to their
technical advisers retained by the using service
programs, nor expect the designer to repli-
out of its own budget. The using service should
cate someone else's.
not hesitate to use qualified consultants in the
5. Efficient and well-managed project proce-
programming and development phase, since the
dures and coordination with consultants. To
information generated at that time is critical to
some extent, investigation of past projects
facility quality. Such procurement shall be with-
will help reveal organizational competence.
out prejudice to selection of the A-E, although
Before final selection is made, candidates
in civilian practice they are often identical. If
may be requested to submit a written pro-
specialized technical consultants (acousticians,
posal detailing procedures, consultants, an-
stage designers, theater lighting specialists) are
ticipated work schedule and staff manpower
involved early, it is desirable to continue periodic
to be made available.