DG 1110.3.120
1. Maintain a high level of esprit de corps, job
proficiency, military effectiveness, and educa-
tional attainment.
The first three chapters of AR 28-8, Program
Operational Guide, discuss at length many of the
Music and Drama Center programs will be de-
important emphases of the Performing Arts pro-
signed to support diverse types of performing
gram; these are largely (and aptly) revealed in
arts activities which may be conducted concur-
terms of the skills and dedication expected of
rently. The MDC design must also allow for di-
directors and staff. The MDC must provide the
versity in the various skill levels of participants.
tools and functional qualities equal to the task.
2. Promote and sustain the mental and physical
1. Performance
fitness of military personnel.
There is one prime, unequivocal emphasis to
begin with: Performance is the most important
The program should provide opportunity for cre-
activity and the main purpose of the MDC facility.
ative fulfillment-either actively or through spec-
Performance generates awareness, interest, ap-
tator involvement-and for physical develop-
preciation, and demand for more. It inspires par-
ment activities such as dance.
ticipation, skill development, recognition, and
the motivation for excellence. The performance
3. Encourage the constructive and creative use
space with its technical support is top priority.
of off-duty leisure time.
2. Quality vs. Quantity
Provide activities which help develop and main-
Of great importance is the quality of activities
tain motivation, talent, and skills that enhance
and of the facility itself. Ultimately it is good staff-
the soldier's ability to discharge his duties as
ing of a good facility that will assure high quality
service member and citizen. In order to encour-
performance and participant/spectator involve-
age military personnel to participate on a vol-
ment in the program. It is therefore imperative
untary basis, the facility must be inviting and
that technical/functional adequacy, capacity, and
visually appealing. Particular attention will be
durability be initial considerations with respect
given to those production support areas which
to audio, stage lighting, musical, rigging and
reinforce and enhance on-the-job soldier skills
operating equipment.
(e.g. scenic drafting, construction, and electrical
While the number and variety of performances
4. Aid in recruitment and retention.
offered annually is often regarded as a measure
of program effectiveness, this is true only to the
Make Army service an attractive career. Perform-
extent that quality is maintained. Frequent pro-
ductions are valuable if well done, and if they
ing arts activities play a vital role in assuring
military personnel of "life style" comparability
permit the attainment of increased quality, au-
between military and civilian life. The facility
dience appreciation, and participant skills. Avoid
must visually and functionally support the same
downgrading technical and functional adequacy
in order to simply achieve low average construc-
quantity and quality levels of performing arts
programming found in civilian communities.
tion costs or the false operating economies
sometimes perceived in a multi-purpose facility
5. Assist Army personnel in adjusting from ci-
vilian life to a military environment.
3. Diversity vs. Specialization
The performing arts activities undertaken must
Programs and activities within the facility must
be contemporary, relevant, innovative; artisti-
be varied to provide freedom of choice to par-
cally, educationally and culturally sound; and
ticipants with a wide range of ages, abilities,
must include new interests and trends in the per-
preferences, skill levels and cultural needs. In the
forming arts.
past there has been a tendency to assume that
a facility that is not multi-purpose is too spe-
6. Assist in
building morale.
cialized. Inevitably, local interest would argue for
the theater auditorium to double as a basketball
Provide the
same kinds of activities for military
court or training facility. A quick study of the
and other eligible personnel within
requirements of these and similar uses reveals
the military
community. The MDC must have a
irresolvable technical conflicts which if placed
within one facility would downgrade the quality
of it for all uses.