DG 1110.3.120
F I G U R E 4-4.11
originating at the stage or orchestra pit may be
System design can result in two modes of op-
mixed and fed to a number of full-range speakers
eration: fixed, unattended, on-off operation; and
in the house ceiling and balcony soffits.
variable, controlled, programmable operation.
For Army facilities, the second system is not rec-
An enhancement system will probably not be
ommended, as it requires a fully trained, full-
required for new Army facilities; good natural
time system operator entirely familiar with its
acoustic design is preferable at the scale of
workings and the science of microphone and
Rooms and production types anticipated. It will
loudspeaker placement. Although it offers op-
more likely be applicable to found space con-
tional control over the widest variety of perform-
versions where acoustical limitations are inher-
ance types and conditions of performer and au-
ent in the existing construction.
dience arrangement, it will be wiser to build in
the quality of selected configurations without
Sound Reinforcement: Amplification raises
reliance on expert operating personnel.
the level of direct sound sent into the Room,
which can have several purposes. It can ensure
The recommended approach to "assisted reso-
sufficient loudness (or balance of loudness be-
nance" requires a carefully worked out pattern
tween stage and pit sources), intelligibility, nat-
of installation designed for a given Room. Since
uralness, and directional realism if properly de-
it is the non-directional reverberant field that is
signed. It will be an important requirement of
energized, a large number of individual input-
multi-use programs especially when absorptive
output channels may be employed, each cov-
material is used to reduce reverberation time and
where (perhaps in conjunction with enhance-
which cover the low- and mid-range spectrum.
ment) a stagehouse shell has not been provided
One microphone mounted in a selective reso-
for music uses.
nant chamber (usually in the reverberant reaches
of the Room near the ceiling) feeds one proces-
System design will depend on conditions of use
sor-amplifier that drives one carefully located
and Room configuration. There are four basic
speaker. In some instances, individual signals