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DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
a. A C T I V I T I E S
3-5 J e w e l r y and
A knowledge of the properties of metals is basic to activi-
A r t Metal
ties in the program. Processes include designing and con-
struction with sheets, wires and tubes and soldering, weld-
ing and casting. Projects include various forms of jewelry,
ornaments, hollow ware, welded metal sculpture and uten-
sils executed in copper, bronze, silver, pewter, tin, lead
and gold. Hand and power tools are used in the various
processes. Design and construction of jewelry may require
the addition of stone settings and coloring. Additional
activities in this category include procedures for lapidary
(cutting or polishing stones) and metal enameling (fusing
color to metal in a kiln).
Fifteen to twenty participants can be accommodated at
any one time sharing other activities with two staff mem-
bers within the space allocated in a 20,650 square foot
This program takes place within the general arts and crafts
area. While the characteristics of the multi-purpose space
are suitable for many activities in jewelry and art metal,
there are some cautions that should be exercised in plan-
ning, depending on the extent of the program. For
instance, welding and hot-metal casting should be set aside
in an alcove with a hardened concrete floor. Acetylene
torches should have a shielded work space with good
mechanical ventilation. Special gas jets may be installed
over work tables for fine soldering. Enameling involves
the use of acids, kilns and blowtorches; therefore, the area
where enamel is applied and dried should be apart from
other areas to prevent spreading metal dust or jarring
enamels that are drying. The dust from clay in the ceram-
ics area is incompatible with the enameling process, and
these two functions should be separated.
For a center of 20,650 square feet, approximately 1,200
square feet should be allocated to jewelry and art metal.
Work Area
800 square feet
200 square feet
Storage Area
Enameling Room
200 square feet
Other General Arts and Crafts