Page 54
DG 1110-3-124
August 1976
4-2 Affinity Matrix
In designing any facility there are many relationships
and interrelationships between activities which must be
considered so that the most functional plan can be devel-
oped. One means of graphically describing these relation-
ships is with an affinity matrix.
b. The matrix shown on this page charts two types of
relationships which must be considered when designing an
Arts and Crafts Center, The first is physical relationships
which shows whether it is desirable or not to have one
area immediately adjacent to another. By assigning values
to the desirability, an evaluation can be made and
recorded. As an example, one relationship is shown by a
shaded line. By looking at this example, we can see that it
is very desirable to have the Control Office adjacent to the
General Handicrafts Area so that it can be supervised.
The second relationship shown on this matrix is envi-
ronmental incompatibilities where the effects of the
operation of one activity is incompatible with another.
The example shown indicates that it is incompatible to
have the Black and White Photographic Lab adjacent to
the Ceramics Area due to the dust created by the ceramics